
Chlamdidyain. Syphillistentohercriesofpain.

“One play after the umpire was struck, a personal foul was called on Moreno for hitting the Marble Falls quarterback, who had taken a knee to run out the clock. Moreno was assessed a 15-yard penalty but was not ejected.”

I find it ironic that this is the title image for this article. Maybe I’m alone in this, but I actually like Chasing Classic Cars, precisely because there is no fake drama, fake deadlines, or bullshit haggling over a fake deal. It may not have the flash or the excitement of something like Top Gear or the Roadkill

I really want to have an AMC AMX painted blue with a union flag on top called the General Sherman just so I can tour the south and do burnouts in front of every confederate memorial I run across. I’m kind of a lowbrow asshole though, so ideas like that really appeal to me.

If this were Texas, the people who called the police would probably be arrested for attempting to stifle his right to bear arms and “freedom of speech.”

Would crash. Slow

Can you imagine what conservatives, Duggar fans, foxnews watchers, etc would say if there was a show about a black family with 19+ kids & one of them was a child molester? Can you imagine how fucking insane they would be right now?

Looks like a shuriken, must have been thrown by a Kawasaki Ninja.

the Dodge Ball

Well, thankfully Radio Shack is closing down. Problem solved.