
I am no fan of the new Camaro, nor of this particular example. Rather than say anything horrible, or call the builder or owner names, I will simply say that it's not my cup of tea.

Any I could get my grubby hands on.

That Ambassador is freakin' sweet. I would clean up some of the gunk inside and out (what is that on the bottom of the steering column?) and do nothing else to it.

Not seeing the original incident, it's impossible to say who's in the wrong. But, it's plain to see who is a giant asshole with an out of control sense of entitlement. Cops kept their cool, but they're probably used to dealing with kids like this.

"Wood eye? Wood eye?" "Harelip!" Old joke... Anybody remember it?

Justified. Asshats get what asshats deserve.

My first pass...and I'll immediately rethink it...

Ya fixed it!

It was more than just a little boo-boo

The owner made a grizzly discovery. It was more than she could bear. Not even a session with her yogi could make her feel better.

Why couldn't the bears trash stuff like this? A big mound of bear shit would be an improvement

I would drive that every day, with the biggest shit-eating grin on my face. And I don't smile...

I guess I thought of the lower back as kind of neutral territory, because it's between undergarments. The reason I' ve been hesitant to touch higher up is the possibility of touching the woman's bra which, in my head, would be a creepier move. I do agree that it is much better to use words rather than physical

It looks pretty clean, and you'd probably be the only one in town, but I can't see dropping more than $1500 on a hacked up 1980 Ford. CP

Hate the idea of inheriting someone else's incomplete project when it involves something this drastic. CP

My mom has been to Hooters more times than I have. She actually went for the wings.

That second is all about picking up the chicks. Too bad there's no place for them to ride.

Ouch. Anybody got a bandaid for his ego?

Buick. Official sponsor of the LPGA Stunt Driving Team

FORE! More shots of vodka, please!