
Your analogies are off base because they are just too far though. Again, with a REAL crime, yeah get mad. This isn’t a fucking crime. It’s not even - as you stated - against the TOS of most games. It’s an annoyance. It’s like that dude prone in the corner killing you over and over again. You may not like it, and it

Just winning apparently, as you seem to be taking this issue far too seriously, that’s for sure. Look, in the end, if you found a way for you to play games that you enjoy. Then go ham! Do it! I love gamers finding their thing. Even if their thing sometimes annoys other people. That’s life. You don’t have a right not

I see you stopped reading after your eyes went red and smoke came out of your ears on the one sentence you quoted, but I broke down why it was a bad comparison after that. Almost like I know what you were going for (a comparison) and made arguments against it (because it’s a bad comparison, maybe extreme as opposed to

Been making this point a lot to him and he keeps upping the crime. Burglary, murder, rape. Immaturity is very clearly at work in this one. And rage, lot of rage too.

Son, I’m talking about a game that you likely never played (named in my last reply actually) . So it’s fine that you’re out of your depth here. I don’t play Overwatch or LoL, or the current hot games that have ranking systems like that. At this point in my life I have different priorities than trying to be top tier at

Whoa, the crux of the issue for you: “they aren’t getting better as a player, so it’s cheating.” If people not getting better at a game is cheating, there are a load of people who you apparently think are cheating. I’ve seen them, in lobbies across many platforms and games. Just wasting their grenades and movement

Again - one, a real crime. The other, annoying to 0.001% of the population.

Did I mention esports? Just that I played a game for the purpose of being competitive. Never mentioned revenue or cash or any of that (also, I don’t know what money has to do with the topic at hand).

Is it an admission of that? Certain in some cases, that’s true. But do you think all cases? Also - you are really heated about this. I can’t wait for your viewers to get a taste of this rage the first time you do think you got stream sniped.

The difference here is, one is an actual crime and the other is not. That’s the big problem with your argument. You’re treating stream sniping the same as murder in this reply. And it’s absolutely not.

I won’t defend the stream snipers. But I also won’t feel bad for someone whining about it while LITERALLY BROADCASTING THEIR LOCATION.

While I understand the frustration that comes along with this happening, I honestly could not care less about the trial and tribulations of a streamer having to deal with the internet. On a human level, sure it sucks. I get it. But at the same time, when you choose to put all your actions on the internet for everyone

Re: 2nd paragraph

Has Jason made the comparison of the helmets from these new suits and the helmet of Ghaul (from Destiny 2) yet? And if not, how has he missed this? Too busy delaying some game probably.

You shut the hell up sir. He already un-delayed this by two days. It needs til the 6th in the oven to be done, but let’s not wait any longer.

Anthem looks a lot like D1 did when it was in that stage too. But your point isn’t any less valid as a result. If part of the point of the beta was to bring back those players who didn’t like D1 because of “single balance” problem, the choice to present the beta that way seems poor. At the same time, since the balance

Headline should be: “PC game has standard anti-cheat protocols; has standard outcome as well” or “Everything going as expected in PC online shooter.”

Not true! Your character can carry forward to D2 and the Y1/Y2 emblems are available to you. However, the Rise of Iron specific items will not be available. I’m not sure how the Grimoire one works. Don’t remember if 5k grimoire score is available in TTK. I think it is, but not 100% sure.

No worries. Hope you enjoy it!

Astyanax was amazing. I remember playing it at my uncle’s house. We’d go there once or twice a year for a holiday or birthday or something and I’d go in the back room where he had his NES and a wall of games. I always choose this though.