
“You should have wrecked him two laps ago.”

You can tell from all the aero that the Commies can’t make engines.”

- Enzo Ferrari, probably

I legit think NASCAR doesn’t understand their own product anymore.

“Gateway to Cape Cod” back in the Medieval Age we just called it a hellmouth.

Not sure if the door did it, or if the guy just had a heart-attack from all that effort.

Hinch is so over with fans.

“Supra is rubber, and you’re glue. Everything you say bounces off Supra and sticks to you.”

Yes. God forbid anybody accidentally associate the US military with anything violent...

Should’ve just gone with “load the drones.” Then they could’ve blown up whomever they wanted and nobody would’ve given a fuck.

The big difference is that in Syracuse, the “green spaces” are more accurately described as “murder zones.”

I really want to hate the sacrilege, but I just can’t bring myself to do it.

It pains me to say, but the “golf bags” observation is significant.

It depends. Is it Vettel or LeClerc driving?


God damn that’s good TV...

I definitely don’t need a surge protector, but is it weird that I love the design on this one?

I definitely don’t need a surge protector, but is it weird that I love the design on this one?

Holy cow, this is dead on.

Sure! Velocity (v) is speed + direction. V-Max is (or can be) recurring shorthand for the fastest a thing can go.

It’s a frightening drive under normal circumstances. At V-Max I cant even imagine...

Women DID tell Aston what they wanted themselves. That’s the point of market research.

I never realized how badly this needs to exist until right now.