In context, doesn’t she have the power? I mean, Cattuzzo is a paid streamer with a huge number of followers, commenter is some faceless scrub.
In context, doesn’t she have the power? I mean, Cattuzzo is a paid streamer with a huge number of followers, commenter is some faceless scrub.
Not bad, but I did two years at mer-community college first.
Perfect for plowing fields of coca.
In fairness to my beloved home state (I haven’t lived there in years, but...), I’m not sure that autonomous cars are necessarily any more dangerous than the legions of licensed yet unvetted 95-year-old snowbirds that fill the streets every winter.
Not sure in a race that lasts 864,000 of them.
Because if Porsche is famous for anything, it’s their slap-dash cut-corner approach to everything.
That’s cool. You’re entitled to feel however you want about whomever you want.
They used mTurk. It’s not the best, but pretty standard.
Oh thank god... I was getting ready to launch my new MOBA, “Lair of Legends,” but was worried about infringement.
All that worry over nothing, ha ha! They’re totally different!
Definitely had one of these when I was a kid, although I vaguely remember the frame being white on mine.
Plus, my brother in Kuwait actually saw it on post before I had a chance to see it here stateside.
This is not universally true, but he’s not exactly living a life of deprivation (unless we count raw boredom as a deprivation).
Ah... none.
I think that’s really it. It was very much an everyman’s sport coupe, but Mazda had put a little extra into the design process.
I’ll always respect companies that take something common and just put that little extra in to make it something special. It’s the Zoom-Zoom logic, really.
The MX-6 always felt that way to me.
This was one of the cars that actually made me love cars. (The others being the Gen.1 Viper, the Jag XK-180 concept, and Mazda’s MX-6, fuck if I know how the last one got in there.)
I always kinda liked the 90s Avenger coupe thing. Not really sure why.
Not that I’m not impressed with the design, but I have to wonder if the floor pan/battery pack approach could be problematic in this application.
Sports cars have a particular U shape to their “classic” status.
Definitely watched two dudes get into a fistfight in a plane on the tarmac after a flight from Toronto to Orlando.
Pretty sure the Mk.16 is a 0/0 seat. Hitting the runway probably didn’t crank the guy’s back. The rocket motor, however, especially if the dude wasn’t in the right position for it?