I know it’s satire, but I seriously made the same noise as Homer as the narrator described that burger...
I know it’s satire, but I seriously made the same noise as Homer as the narrator described that burger...
Why’d they put it in an S-10?
R/gaming is the one for people who enjoy them. R/Games is the one for ppl who take them too seriously.
Holy shit. I think I might be having a stroke.
Too bad. I’d do it at $40, but $80 is too rich for my blood.
I was really enjoying my workout until Billy Blanks’ voice suddenly changed, and he told me to kill myself.
Other than that, it was just like I remembered.
I thought it sounded like a diesel. I was gonna ask.
I read the headline and immediately thought, “4 liters,” so I’m with you, Torch!
I don’t normally comment on these. But holy hell that illustration is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while...
I don’t normally comment on these. But holy hell that illustration is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while...
I wonder if thinner sheet metal forces Kia to take a more aggressive approach to the crease to make sure it holds its shape.
This unidentified person appears at 2:15 and just angrily stares and shakes their head. It’s amazing.
Gosh that segment was beautifully done.
Everybody makes mistakes when performance driving.
That line is soooo flat, though... Not a good sign...
I have absolutely no doubt that F1 cars are faster than Indy cars, at the same time, though, this is a bit of a false comparison.
Hamilton’s time was in qualifying, while Indy was running a practice session.
Looking at the F1 P1 times from last year, Hamilton was still fastest, but he ran a 1:47.5; by P3, he’d winnowed…
Why is he wearing his dad’s jacket?
I am not sure that word means what you think it means.
When the nose first entered, it looked like one of the American cars had become self-aware and was lookingvto murder our host.
Clearly an Apache, although I feel like he could fit all 12 disciples in the back of a Hind.
After passing these signs for 18 years of being denied a pit stop at Pedro’s during family road-trips as a child, I finally stopped at South-of-the-Border a few years ago while on a solo-trip (now in my mid-30s.)
The only thing sadder than the signs is the place itself...
34 years of build up and such disappointment...
These would be amazing in disaster response.