Sheesh.... This judge seems to be saying, “I’d rather whine about George Floyd and racism than be stuck refereeing a dispute between two evil, profit-seeking, capitalist corporations!”
Sheesh.... This judge seems to be saying, “I’d rather whine about George Floyd and racism than be stuck refereeing a dispute between two evil, profit-seeking, capitalist corporations!”
Man, it is hilarious hearing car guys pout about the demise of the Evo when they chose to spend their money on used WRXs or S2000s when Mitsubishi was selling them new.
That Metro is probably still getting nearly 40 mpg.
Go buy a new Mitsubishi Mirage. It even has three cylinders! Adjusted for inflation, the Mirage is actually cheaper than the Metro was. And auto critics hate it for all the same reasons as they hated the’s cheap, slow, noisy, and weird.
A scruffy old British roadster that is rare, fast, runs and drives, ‘handles like it is on rails’, has had major maintenance work done, has low miles, and is bound to turn heads anywhere it goes...all for the cost of a 2008 Corolla?
Me neither. And mine has 102,000 miles on it.
Three cheers for the manual (or maybe six?), but that’s an absolutely butt-ugly car. Looks like it’s ‘duck-lipping’. Why are all Toyotas so heinous looking lately?
This is what Millennials with money buy instead of a ‘55 Chevy or a Harley. Same concept,’s the car they thought was cool when they were young but were too poor to afford it.
I notice there is a distinct lack of Honda products on this list...
I can’t believe they still classify this beast as a ‘compact pickup’. It’s nearly the size of a ‘96 F250.
Very solid plan!
It’s 10/100 on the powertrain, 5/60 on everything else. But few owners have needed the warranty anyway for anything anyway.
They came out last spring.
...and so did the EPA.
Great! Opens up a lot of options some people at this end of the market don’t have.
Nothing wrong with a used Honda...for some people. I just don’t worship at their altar anymore.
Try one. Just for kicks. And report back.
Yeah. Just like the Bug in the ‘60s. And the Chevette in the ‘70s. And the Tercel in the ‘80s. And the Metro in the ‘90s. And the Rio in the ‘00s...