
As i said in another post. Fuck everyone involved in this. This is just ignoring the problem instead of fixing it and just letting people spew hate while you are unaware without repercussions. Holy shit this makes me angry

Nope, fuck your thoughts on this. This is the epitome of ignoring the problem instead of actually fixing it. This shouldn’t be a thing at all with nuanced options or just an on off switch. Fuck everyone involved in this to try to just ignore the problem and let racists and bigots just keep going on without repercussion

He did only say it once in the movie though I thought? I still feel like that specifically was a dumb fight Ray was making but i get what his thoughts were on it. The rest of it is horrible though.

Please show me where it’s stated that in the law

Honestly, I’m still waiting for the day they actually stand up against their cease and desists because this is legally fair use if it’s not being sold.

Another Eden is the one game that i have seen that does events, but makes them permanent from then on in the game. It has it’s own share of problems. Is still a gacha for characters, but i go in and out of it with updates and i never feel left out.

Agree with everything here. And too many games are taking this mmo-lite approach with dailies and battle passes and limited time events and the majority of us do not want to only play one game as end all be all. And i know for people like me who have OCD completion tendencies it frustrates and mentally hurts so much

This is absolutely what the should fucking do. Especially for exclusives that have had no ports

I honestly finally just quit doing dailies yesterday since launch. I am just SO sick of dailies and limited time events in games. I am sick of games determining when i should play. Don’t know if i’ll come back or not, the only update that actually was good was the Dragonspire one. I’m sick of just constant updates and

Its not a reprint in the US. Idk why the hell they said that. They originally came out in japan and i think uk in 2016 but we never got them before

And this is the problem with the world today, and why people as a society needs to come up with a better way, capitalistic society does not work as well as people thought and it’s gonna come crashing down eventually.

Nah with so much constantly coming out, i pay for an experience then move to the next. I certainly don’t value them too high. I like some here and there but not for a super high cost.

It definitely feels like you are missing the point when a high ranking and PROBABLY high paying position he just gets hired based on clout, meanwhile there are probably lots of actual experienced people who need the money and job in this godforsaken job market. And if they are hiring without needing experience then

Oh i totally agree with you, but also the game is on rails so you’re comparing apples and oranges with mario 64. Barring missing some snaps for completion it’s EASILY beatable in 2 hours with general play. Mario 64 100% speedruns are in the realm of an hour and a half, while Snaps 100% speedruns are 20 min.

Yes and? Still stand by it, again i said on the whole, or i meant overall. Jesus.

Yeah i mean we’ll see, but this is def a game i’m gonna wait to hear average length for before i get. Just doesn’t feel worth $60 to me. Someone else go for it, but i would insta buy at $40. We’ll see if walmart does their general $10 off and maybe i’d bite.

I feel like you missed in my original post where I said “On the whole” then.

Depends on your view of the line between just art and art made for titillation? Like i said the Vampierella statue could be problematic, but like the Captain America and Joker ones? Personally i wouldn’t care as a gay man even if it was scantily clad men. It still has no merit on a judgement of professionalism imo. It

I am so excited for this, my only concern is gonna be the length of the game. I really hope it’s lengthier than the original, double the length would be perfect.

Who’s to say what is art to them. Art is subjective, i’d call it cringe but not judge professionalism based on that.