Same i just dont get why it would need to be taking up that much. Something needs to give whether its compression or texture size
Same i just dont get why it would need to be taking up that much. Something needs to give whether its compression or texture size
Its just insane and wholly not necessary anyone should make this much
This reminds me of my feelings for Genshin Impact at the moment. I hate doing dailies and the new event SUCKS so much but i want to play when new content drops and just have to keep up for it :/
They are bringing fucking story mode back. I am soooooo excited!!!
I absolutely HATE those stupid amp links, they drive me nuts. And unfortunately no other browsers for android seem to work as well as chrome
Man i wanted two of them until i saw how tiny they are. $35 for a 6in fit in palm of hand plush is WAY too much.
My god, that took so much work
I had a feeling this would happen cause ME1s dlc had problems for ages. Honestly though even if it wasnt great they should remake it better or offer new content in its place.
I assume they are just adjusting controls better not changing the physics, cause the physics on it were super fun tbh
Dude idk how nobody talks about the stupid low health filter. Its horrible in this game amd makes u worse cause u can barely see shit cause it makes it all blend together. I wish there was an option to turn that off
Yeah this dlc was made for me. I loved most of the platformimg puzzles in the main game. Now the fact ur stuff doesnt carry over to it or from it is a travesty though.
Jeez dude. Thats not what i meant at all. Futher the imagery was imaginary and not a real kid from what has been told.
Im just asking what the plan or reasoning for that was. I didnt say i was against it. I was interested in the mod itself
So why they pull the mod if the offending stuff wasnt in the mod itself? They gonna just retcon all his work?
Probably they share the same people that work with comcast and told them it’s a good idea to start data capping this month
I loved this, if you haven’t seen Randy Rainbow’s new video yet, here ya go <3
Tbh, done everything possible would mean they just give it away for free with purchase of 3. 80% off for 14 days is kinda BS
How is nobody just shouting at the top of their lungs, TO HOLD PEOPLE GODDAMN ACCOUNTABLE YOU DUMB FUCK
Nothing turns me off faster from an anime than this shitty 3D they like to do lately, a ton of Netflix anime i was interested in until i check it out and it’s this shitty 3D yet again. Ugh i can’t stand it.
God i want a rerelease of this game bad. Needs to be on pc. Only reason i want an xbox one and i cant justify buying one for one game