fair point, but nobody ever ran into a car parked on a highway shoulder because of patent misinformation. At least, I don’t think they have?
fair point, but nobody ever ran into a car parked on a highway shoulder because of patent misinformation. At least, I don’t think they have?
Oppo is going to be the new photobucket on forums.
Oh boy. I’m posted a LOT of stuff to Oppo over the last 10 years or so. Once Kinja came in and offered us all blogs, I hotlinked a LOT of images to stuff I posted in here.
there are a few options though if you want to continue this in a non-gawker hosted way, join me at oppo-sitelock.com
Oppo is dead. Long live Oppo.
What’s Your Fantasy Car Make And Model Based On The Street You Grew Up On And Your Childhood Pet’s Name?
A 196...wait a sec...nice try, erin.
That’s the same code I use on my luggage!
Kids, I do believe that is the YMC-130H. The most badass C-130 ever.
Q: how do you fit a C130 into a parking lot?
So someone gave a million bucks to United way and got two cars in exchange. So good news all around.
“First, this is a Toyota Camry, mechanically.”
Tom has the best idea overall, but might I suggest:
I’m late on this, but I once told the shareholders that I had lots of new designs and models coming out.
Alfa Romeos breaking down is a law of the universe.
Newson’s Ford 021C 😁
I’d have to say a Zundapp Janus’ rear end would look good as a front end and the front end would look as a rear.