
There really isn’t much in the way of “new” content coming. They’re adding Taken to PoE and reskinning an old strike with Taken enemies. There’s also some new (old) weapons and armor coming. But again it’s the same shit repackaged again with different names.

That would be the Doctrine of Passing, actually.

I loved Bungie’s logic which was along the lines of - “Oh, well your Guardian doesn’t change so neither should your weapons...”

I feel you. I’ll probably just run the new story mission, the “new” strike (which is just a remix of an older strike), and run PoE just once to see the new bosses.

Geez. Bungie really hates PvE players.

Bungie seriously needs to tune PvP independently from PvE. I was under the impression that they could but their recent actions have made me question that. All of the changes that they’ve made recently have hurt PvE players like me more than PvP players. I genuinely feel like Bungie doesn’t care about PvE or the people