
@eliavictor: Meh, it's less about the performance and more about the hype. What I'm trying to get at is that until someone else invents a car that can go back in time or a tablet that can display holograms (running Flash) these products are going to be the watermark for most people.

I don't even know why a company would want to compare their product to the iPad unless it seriously blows it out of the water. It comes across as cheesy hyperbole, but when Jobs described the iPad as "magical" and "revolutionary" he was a little right. There was nothing really out there that could compare, at least

The app is actually only $1, the rest is idiot tax.

@Markstre302: After parking my old (sky-blue) Miata and getting out with one of my rugby mates, a homeless guy pushing his shopping cart past us said "You know that's a girl car right?"

It's a question of the day, so here's the requisite Miata mention: "That's a girls/hairdressers/gay persons car."

Yeah the Avenger looks like it was designed by Professor Blandstein, but I'm going to wash the taste of that car out of my eyeballs by looking at the spyshots of the looks-like-it-could-actually-be-sexy Durango or even the actually-is-sexy 2011 Cherokee.

@pjcard: Mmm maybe I should have just said it was harder to read at a glance. It always felt like a form-over-function manner of display.

I HATE the first kind of graph. Yeah it looks cool, no it isn't informative.

@Achiever: It's ALL icing, in Canada the "L" is silent.

So basically we'll have cars that run off co2, water and sunlight? The creators of Fraggle Rock are gonna SUE.

Wow. This guy has a couple apps eh?

Am I the only one who doesn't care anymore about the "World's Fastest" competition anymore? It seemed like the Veyron was a quantum leap in tech and speed when it came out, and everything since has been boring dribs and drabs of incremental speed increases and weight losses.

@MaWeiTao: Like the BMW headlight haloes. Looks so much better.

@Engineerman: I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.

In my experience, more than any other forum vwvortex is the brain trust of the internet. Wasn't there a guy on there a couple years ago that had ran his NOS line directly into the gas tank?

Oh yeah this will end up well.

What about David Bowie in Labyrinth?

2000hp sounds about the right amount of compensation for naming your company after a drag-queen version of American Idol.