
Hmm, google.com has it, google.ca doesn't.

Sources later confirmed the driver of the sentra was in fact a kamikaze zealot member of the Church of Scienceguyology. Intending to drive the Mentos-filled car into the truck to quote "Spread the word of His Scienceness Bill Nye", the bowtie wearing suspect was led away in cuffs.

I think the only way a Camino could come back to the market would be if it was named / branded as anything other than the El Camino, which is a crying shame.

I like that side profile chalet shot, the accent line in the centre gives a nice illusion of bulging fenders.

The first time I drove a car that had Bluetooth integration I felt like I was in the future. It's no flying car, but its the number one non-enthusiast feature I look for in a new car.

When the latest iteration of the MINI came out, they actually had a pretty funny series of webisodes called "Hammer and Coop", basically a Knight Rider send up with a bumbling private eye and an escaped military prototype intelligent car.

Here's a devils advocate-y question I'm sure everyone will hate ( I know I do): Why are cars like this available for street use? Most of the descriptions of the crashes are "Driver was doing (insert dangerously fast) speed and lost control, hit 40 foot embankment, and flew." And you can apply this to any vehicle

I work in the service department of a Chrysler dealer and let me tell you, every car this manufacturer makes is terrible. The trucks: pretty ok. But the Caliber, the Sebring, the Avenger, etc, all unpleasant to drive and worse to look at. They evoke no passion, no flowery hyperbole about the driving experience and

Is there an anti-Shibboleth? There is for me. When I hear someone say the Miata is a girl/gay/hairdresser car, thats the moment I know they'll never understand in which ways the E30 M3 is cooler than the current, why I'd always pick a wagon/shooting brake over a sedan when given the option, and why beige is not a

Prius, duh. As everyone knows, Prius drivers and their selfless acts of style and power sacrifices for the greater good of our planet are the real saints among us.

@orbit: That's totally fair, I would just hate to have a tripod fly through my rear window because someone is trying to resize a .jpg behind me ;)

I'm just going to put this out there: I find it a hard pill to swallow when someone is criticizing others driving when said person is taking photos while operating a motor vehicle.

As someone who has worked in the service department of manufacturers from Honda to BMW with a variety in between, I can wholeheartedly agree with this article. When drivers no longer have to worry about the systems in their car they do just that: Get in, start the car, and think nothing else about it. No thoughts as

I played for a gay rugby team for quite a few years (though we identified as an "open" team, many of us felt that calling ourselves a gay team would be just as exclusionary as calling ourselves a straight team or a white team) and while not as Gaystapo as these softball guys seem, that attitude is present there as

Alright, so now that we're on our way to being back in the black, can we start talking about when they are developing the new LeBaron? 90 year olds everywhere can't wait forever to buy a new car.

Everytime I watch these events this is the progression of feelings I get:

@Hit Bull Win Steak: We'll put them away when you guys stow those hilarious guys dressed up in mullets and beer t-shirts at NASCAR events. It was funny and ironic at first but now we're beginning to think they're for serious.