
Yeah but I liked the discussion! Thought experiments can be fun!

I don’t know why you’d care if you only have BMWs in your driveway....I don’t think “that guy has a BMW and an Audi” makes you a man of the people (at least in North America) Who are you trying to satisfy? Buy and drive what you like (if you are an enthusiast) - if you are a poser well then it doesn’t matter does it?

Forgive me, your joke was hilarious.

Did an automotive / motor sports website editor just say winter sports are dangerous? I participate in some of the more dangerous winter sports (downhill skiing, ice skating (think head injury in the glorious 80s with no helmets) and I’ve come waaay closer to seriously hurting myself (or being hurt by others) in

Wow, stereotype much?

Thank you! We are talking about car-related stuff again, I don’t come here for politics! Now, can anybody suggest some performance mods for that van?

Tesla will go bankrupt if they don’t deliver full autonomous before the major manufacturers. What will be unique about a Tesla once I can buy an electric car from Bolt to Taycan and everything on between?

We ordered a 1997 E420 from Mercedes with Electronic Stability Control (a new thing at the time) and when the car arrived they apologized and said the feature was not ready when they built the car so it wasn’t installed. Failing to deliver - rare but not new. What’s new here is that Tesla is upfront that your car

And the Mona Lisa is just paint on canvas to some people....

“How about one time, you can set me up with a slingshot?” -Val Naughton, Jr.