
I think Mars will be colonized with temporary residents like Antarctica is, mostly for scientific research.

One simple solution to the low gravity problem would be to always wear a weighted suit or vest. At least that would reduce the effects of muscle wasting and osteoporosis on spinal and weight bearing joints.

This is like the Medical Flat Earth Society,

Al Gore, for one made over $100 million as the spokesman for the AGW movement. In addition to taking $200 million in oil money for Current TV.

This was the 97% consensus, settled science just a few years ago as communicated by the major media:

And, the personal insult. When one has nothing left more intelligent to say.

So, there is no example. Maybe in Womyn’s Studies or some other soft, irrelevant academic area diversity is everything. But in math and science there are actually fundamental facts and truths lying in wait for creative intellectual minds. That’s what matters. Your quest to make hard science demographically diverse

Like one gauges talent when it comes to piloting the plane you’re coming in for a landing on through a thunder storm - performance. Hopefully, you have the best pilot flying, not the one who was promoted to pilot because they checked all the diversity boxes.

Neither of whom solved their problems because of ethnic or sexual diversity.

How exactly is one’s skin color or shape going to help unlock a fundamental problem in advanced physics? Please give an example of how such a problem in physics or math was solved because of skin color or shape, where white scientists overlooked the solution due to your assumption that all white people think the same

Yeah, that's how Einstein did it, and Newton, even though they were white European males.

Actually, in hard science there is a clear standard of what is intelligent and useful and what is not. 2 + 2 = 4, not 7 even though 7 might be a "diverse" answer.

The best in the NBA aren't demographically diverse.

That room was filled with Chinese I would imagine. That's worth noting I guess.

What is the black or gay perspective on advanced fusion that we're missing out on?

Give the diversity schtick a rest. In the world where performance counts - like hard science, or the NBA - we need to hire based on talent, not demographic profile.

is there a black or female viewpoint in advanced physics that we are missing out on?

no intelligent person would

or the Houston-style control center where dozens of (white, male) scientists crunched data and ran supercomputer simulations. - The horror. A lack of diversity.

or the Houston-style control center where dozens of (white, male) scientists crunched data and ran supercomputer simulations.