Ghost Wolf

It appears to me that families, communities, nations and races are the will of the creator while the machinations deliberately employed to destroy them for world power would be wicked behavior against that will. The race replacement and moral breakdown of the US was a deliberate policy of malice to divide, unravel and

It appears you have nothing to say but crude insults from a low-brow mind - so therefore I can say with complete honesty and confidence that I am certainly superior to you - whatever you are, and you are truly not even worth responding to with a dignified comment. But I will because I believe
your white technology

I'm becoming more of a white nationalist every year - due to the sheer volume of hatred, lies, perversions, ignorance, corruption and chaos that comes out of these hypocrite leftists and their vicious minority coalition. I am now feeling as though our survival is on the line with the threats currently facing our

You have made it clear you choose the rule of un-elected bankers over the will of the American people -thus you are a traitor to the USA.
You are also racist against whites and believe we have no rights to exist as a people and should accept being bred out of existence or dispossessed in all of the majority white

Whatever - you are an anti-American traitor that will vote for total domination by powerful, predatory, foreign controlled banks that have already gotten away with stealing trillions from us while they intend to steal even more because people like you are blinded by your pre- programmed ideology and foolish enough to

It's not my fault you don't understand history, but the Bankers of the West and the communist leaders of the East were all Jewish and the Eastern communists made deals with, and got money from the Western bankers to help them maintain their communist bureaucracies. The bankers had control of both sides the whole time

Nazis were big government socialist that at least worked in the National interests of the German people - as opposed to the thieving bankers that declared war on them and sent the armies of the world to destroy them for refusing to be robbed blind and bled dry by these financial predators. The problem is the Nazis

Nazis were socialists and so are you - where as I wish to obey the Constitution which is the only thing that stands in the way of the US becoming a totalitarian police state. I wish for limited, smaller government that the people can maintain control of - not this monstrous, all .powerful bureaucracy that controls

The bankers and the communists won world war 2. They were two sides of the same tribe of people and they now fully control the US. The communists even admit how they subverted our nation in the 1950s and sixties. Michael King aka MLK himself was a communist. Now the commies are "cultural Marxists" who's goal is to

And you live in an imaginary civil rights era communist lie where you were taught to believe how terrible the old America was - despite all the evidence showing the country was way better off and happier in a multitude of ways than today. The country was doing great until the communists corrupted, poisoned, and

What's your idea of good job? Is your food card filled on time every month something that makes you happy? Health care would have been addressed regardless of who our President was since all he does is read a teleprompter, play golf and take photo shoots.
Any jobs created by this regime often go to immigrants instead

I'm sure you "good guys" will enjoy living in the ruins of OUR civilization that my forbears built and maintained - and you destroyed. Meanwhile, we will be forced to move further away and your kind will still try to follow and cling on until you succeed in your genocide of us - that or we determine we have no other

You're delusional - and very wrong. Watching foreign bankers steal control of our country away from us gets my blood to boil regardless of whatever puppet President has been squatting in the White house.
That son of the British Queen's Kenyan Ambassador to the US, is not a Natural Born Citizen - born of citizen

There is a real living spirit within all living things which has the will to survive.
That spirit becomes mightier as it spreads among more like-minded men.
It has already awakened in me and and I am seeing a whole army of my countrymen start to wake up, speak out and gear up in defiance of this dispossession and

I may leave this collapsing country before the bubble of endless trillions of dollars of debt pops and turns our Federal Reserve Bank notes into worthless play cash for our Monopoly board games. I'll probably be in some place like New Zealand watching the protests, riots and civil wars in America and Europe as Western

When I was a kid, you could drive all across this country and still be in white America in all but a few areas. Now entire chunks of the country speak a foreign language while once majority white cities are now slums and ghettos. Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. I have watched my nation being

It's lovely if you are attempting to genocide whites in all their homelands - but with whites gone, the Hispanic cops will be free to ethnically cleanse black neighborhoods while communist China will buy up more American land until they have control over large portions of the country where THEY will rule - not you and

It will be a dangerous, bankrupted, unstable, second-world country full of illiterate, third world people lacking the skills to maintain a modern, white civilization as the whites will be forced to migrate away from dangerous diversity like what has already happened thus far - essentially the ethnic cleansing of white

And yet Trump really hasn't said or done anything racist himself has he?. Wanting a wall to protect the USA against the multiplying masses of central and south American protects ALL American citizens no matter what their race is. Without the flood coming across the southern border, perhaps more American blacks could

Obama isn't a real President, the establishment won't allow a real POTUS. Obama is a TV spokesman like the Allstate guy and window dressing for the duel citizen Israelis that really control our executive branch just like the EU has an appointed, communistic committee.
There are black/colored people smarter than me in