
I was fourteen when I saw it at a university screening room, and had to beg some friends of my mom (a nice adventurous lesbian couple) to take me, because of the rating and its notoriety. About halfway through, one of them threw up and then waited in the car, and the other left me under the guise of “checking on Deb.”

We do sell food and drinks at theatre (well big companies do at least) but it’s not a big part of our culture. It’s not uncommon for absolutely no one in the whole room to have anything to eat or drink.

I’ve got a Tivo that can record 4 channels at the same time. Tremendous! Nobody knew that was possible, but Tivo found a way. Bigly!

Lindsay makes sense because she’s broke and drugs are expensive. Same with many other actors who may be on shows/in movies at the moment but who aren’t rich. I get that and would probably do the same. You never know when the next gig might come along. Athletes makes sense too because most of them have official

They are so wealthy that sponcon throws me off with them. I get why Lindsay Lohan has to do this. And a lot of Olympians post sponsored stuff, but from what I’ve seen Olympians are often the ones who at least tag it as an ad.

They need more. I always felt the same way about Samuel L. Jackson and Jennifer Garner promoting Capital One credit cards.

Agreed. These people are wealthy. Klum’s estimated net worth is around 70 million, J.Lo and Beckham are probably even wealthier (Becks is wealthy wealthy). It’s kind of depressing that they chose to do this sponcon bullshit.

I think it is ridiculous that people like Victoria Beckham, Sofia Vergara, Jennifer Lopez, and Heidi Klum are doing this to begin with. They all have multiple revenue streams and are in television advertising all the time.

Did Kushner & Kellyanne Conway get one too?


Ah yes, I remember it well. We moved to Carlsbad when the population was 17K, the flower fields stretched for miles and did not charge admission, wild canyons and lagoons that are now filled with houses and golf courses. You could rent a funky place by the beach for $350/month. Different place, different time.

HA, his chain look like a string of pearls, too.

He looks like he’s about to get verklempt...talk amongst yourselves.

I think it’s what happens when you get hair plugs and try to do a comb over in all directions.

That is truly horrifying. He looks like all the ladies in the 55+ up community nearby. All he needs is a visor.

Omg he looks like my mom when she’s dressed “fancy”. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. ..

Oh. My. God. No, Richie, no!

:0D..haha omg! Oh, no. You didn’t. But, yes, you did! Oh, Richie! Why? Why, Richie? Why? But, also, this explains so much.

I think he raided the back of my closet!

He looks like a generic store brand Kenny Rogers.