Is that halo behind Comey, in the picture, intended to be commentary on his behavior?
Is that halo behind Comey, in the picture, intended to be commentary on his behavior?
“Knotty PINE?!”
For me, the problem I’ve had with TWD has been the terrible pacing. It appears they try to explore characters, like LOST was so strong with, but completely fail at. So last season... or the half season (I don’t know their weird season splitting shit), was over a couple of days in the story. It just draggggggged. Now…
Twitter is the perfect place to air grievances with your employer. They usually love the publicity. I bet this will really catches on.
That gif is so awesome.
This is a hard lesson to actors and such; nest egg, so this type of embarrassment is necessary. And to the children of actors and such; nest egg all your parents spillage.
Wow, that is a hilarious SNL skit. But if it’s not, wow, so humiliating.
I wonder how Jeff Sessions would take it if they outlawed Mint Juleps.
Oh, Tramadol... I’m on it again. I’ve had chronic pain for 10 years now. Tramadol was one of the first pain meds I was given since none of the gabapetin, anti-depressant meds did nothing. At first, Tramadol took away all my pain. Then the insomnia came. It was bad. They later gave Ultram, which is the time-release…
I think the GOP always wanted to kill of the poor and brown people. Don’t listen to the words they speak; look to their actions. In there lies the truth. Reality is: words are worthless.
You can go check their website. They listed qualifying customer names and addresses. Go luck!
Well to quote, Shambooo, “you idiot”, his account has only been active for this post. And, “That’s kind of a stupid opinion.” of their sincerity.
Please don’t feed the trolls.
The treachery in our nation has gone completely nuclear. There is so much destruction everywhere that no one can focus. Michael Flynn, is Timothy McVeigh level, enemy of the state. Trump was so desperate for anyone to get on his bandwagon. Look at this Legion of Doom.
Oh, gosh. You found me out. Yes, yes, I am a rocket scientist.
I’m no rocket scientist, but gravity is what eats up fuel. When we send space shuttles and rockets into space, all the fuel is just to get it out of our atmosphere. So, when their ship loses gravity, the water is... weightless. And besides... the floaty pool where she almost drowns was real cool.
Whew, I was worried I may have wasted one moment of hatred for these fuckers. But no, they’ve earned every last bit.
I think they’re messin’ with him before he’s poisoned.
After a year of this constant barrage may have them running for the Canadian border. trump lives for chaos and attention, the average congressman might not.