
If these were just a couple of lucky rich people who decided they wanted to live their lives as Victorian-era cosplayers...well, I’d find that odd, but fuck, it’s their time and money and it doesn’t hurt anyone. You want to play dress up with your life and you have the money to do it? God bless.

You must not live here. Unless you’re at elevation, you don’t get more than a dusting of snow once or twice a winter.

If you want to get phelgm out of your lungs and throat, then cough. #hackhack

Oh my God, people have started calling recipes “Food Hacks”

Oh shiiiit, it’s on now! Drake might fuck around and like another Nicki Minaj IG post or something. Hardcore gangster shit right there dog. Baby lotion soft indeed.

I feel like cookie dough is objectively more delicious than cookies. I don’t even feel like this statement is an opinion. Like, cookies are weird and dumb and frequently gross, crumbly pieces of shit (and even at best, they’re just tolerable), while cookie dough is an extension of the joy of the universe.

Still trying to figure out why you hate joy

I hope the straight best friend becomes a thing. And they’re just there as background, eating chips or whatever.

They’re just called ‘weddings’ now.

The mother proceeds to tell my manager that I was extremely rude to them and that I lied to them about the wait time because I was “discriminating” (wat) against them.

In the same vein: “Wow, your pronunciation is really good!”. This was said to me by my boss after I told him my own son’s full name. He literally complimented me for correctly pronouncing the name I picked out.


If I were such a huge asshole that my family had to tell people that I had brain damage to explain my behavior, I’d MAYBE think about dialing it back just a bit.

Working at a fast food joint, the manager was a really nice man who did charity work with immigrant children on the side, was endlessly cheerful, and so on. I’m working drive-through. Customer orders his food in heavily accented English, and gets abusively irate when I ask him (politely) to repeat his order. I’m

When I worked at a craft beer/pizza joint a popular menu item was our calzones. These were huge, and made fresh to order and took a while to cook. Our menu made note of this and it was there in writing that it could take over half an hour depending on how busy we were.

As I said below, I don’t think she disapproves, just that she has a parental or familial view of these kids and it’s difficult for her to see.


Hi, I just had post this reply so you could see it in your notifications. It appears some asshole has hacked into your Kinja account and is posting stupid and unnecessary contrarian posts with unnecessary semantics arguments.

Pinkham, I want to like you, and most days I do. However, it seems like you've got this mentality where you lump everything in the USA that's not within 50 miles of the ocean as "flyover country" full of Jesus-freak troglodytes who wouldn't know great food if it were force-fed to them.