
Well it used to be that women were killed if they were knocked up out of marriage, but now with abortion we are saving lives in that area. So, not bad.

Not as good a friends as we use to be though


You should keep to yourself

sex = married people

I meant getting laid

Its a good idea take your anger somewhere else we dont want you here

Getting laid definitely. Having sex is working people stuff. Getting laid is like leisure time like getting out there and trying for some and you need a smartphone for that.

If you actually read the rest of the comments - not really.

You have sex with your wife you get laid at the club

Tech Valley can do anything imo. And all wizards are magic I think that was redundant.

Getting hacked is like a once and a lifetime experience though.

Really good but needs to be an app too

Well having sex is different then getting laid

LOL what? That’s like all they do

Not crank calling 911 though

But they would be encrypted and in the cloud

But then you would have to say something to the camera too then

No sex or foreplay

Well no you could have an option to have it encrypted and only visible with a private code that the app company sends to your lawyer if he has a court receipt.