
Nice! I went to ucsc for one quarter and quit from exasperation. Never regretted it!

I'm so sorry. I was also abused by a music teacher who used to scare me and humiliate me in front of everyone. I tried not to take it personally, but damn.

I'm wearing a patch and so jealous of you right now:(

The best way I ever quit was getting my friend/manager to fire me so I could get unemployment while traveling in Australia.

He's prob an asshole (most people are) and I wouldn't do this (unless I was really bored) but for fucks sake with the pearl clutching! I'd actually do it if it would get me out of the grays at this point.

Just a thought, but...would these people still find it "creepy" if he was soliciting this from men?

Just throwing my vote in the "not creepy" bin. Not that anyone cares, I'm a gray.....

Thank god we have all these fucking idiots to tell us a bunch of shit we already know. "It's snowing!" Etc.


I have a "friend" from south of Spain who, I admit, is a bit of a douchebag, and he insists on his beers having at least an inch of foam. He acts like they are ripping him off if there's no foam, which is totally opposite. He even sends back the beer for the bartender to pour out the actual beer and replace it with

I visit Spain every year and have never been charged for something I didn't order. Quite the opposite: in Madrid, I have been given a free small tapa (sometimes olives, sometimes chorizo, sometimes a small bocadillo) when I order a caña or another drink, but there is never a charge for that.

Yay! Finally someone laughed at my little joke. Jeez it's rough down here in the greys.

Gwyneth Montenegro?

sincere thanks for replying. I've used disposable blus before and thought they were pretty good, and I need to quit smoking again, so maybe vaping would be good for transition.

Sorry, vaping semi-novice here. I've vaped before but never bought one. Do you need the tank? Do you need the flavored ejuice? How do you get the good stuff (ie, nicotine, thc)?

would you say it was like manna from heaven?

Hahaha. Cats are so dumb. And by 'dumb' I mean furry and cute....and super dumb!

i don't think this woman has any clue why this is wrong.

I don't know, I thought the science was pretty cool on this. Makes me think maybe I should take up bone gnawing! I wonder if I would know when I'd had enough. Wait, are squirrels smarter than me??!

I can't even bear to read this article as it appears that, yes.....all of my leftover turkey was polished off today by my houseguest. not even the carcass is left! I've been dreaming of turkey sandwiches, turkey dumplings and thanksgiving casserole for days and today, today (while I was at WORK) he consumed every