
If it is in fact a bad thing to harp on women’s physical appearance why is it okay to do the same for men?

Yeah, but at least the back in forth in basketball is exciting! Can’t say the same for soccer.

Is this how we’re doing it, measuring quality by popularity? Let’s see how that goes when we apply it movies, music and literature.

I wonder if the Russian Botswana interfere in the Ghanian FA election?

Next thing you know they’ll be going for the coke and heroin dealers! Oh, the horror!

By law, people who work in illicit activities are not protected by the law. RobertCalifornia99 makes a good point, should drug dealers be free to work safely?

Yeah, cornrows and chains says “sexual harasser”! I mean, he dresses just like Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer! Oh..wait.

If their friends voluntarily got on the bus, what were they supposed to to do at that point?

No. Your insinuation has no basis in reality.

*Sigh*. Saying the story was bad at this point a meme. It wasn’t bad, not at all.

I doubt it. Many of the key folks who made FO3 and FO4 and the Elder Scrolls games are still there. On the other hand, Konami lost the one designer who mattered and the game suffered for that.

“Solo gameplay immersion”, permanently no, but trying something new yes. Honestly, what would a FO5 add that you couldn’t get with some decent mods?

This is would actually be the first Fallout to actually make sense, because rebuilding was sort of the point of the Vault’s. I for one am excited because I loved the aspect of gathering resources and base building. I would find it more satisfying to see my settlement grow, expand, make alliances, and conquer, etc

Don’t you think the developers get tired of making the same game? Don’t you get tired of playing the same game? In the last Fallout game BGS introduced some new gameplay aspects that I found to be very exciting. Perhaps this is a chance to build upon those aspects. I mean, the whole point of the Vaults were for humans

Are you kidding? They’ve shown gameplay for BGE2.

It’s the worse thing about the movie and leaves us with no interest in the final act.

“The ride was a ton of fun”

Mystery boxes are part and parcel of storytelling and are often the reason we want to stick around and hear the whole story. Just admit that Rian blew up the franchise.

The diversity will only seem like fiction to idiots who won’t enlighten themselves.

The difference is that unrealistic armor for women is pretty common and consistent while women in WWII games is not. People probably wouldn’t bring up the former much if it just wasn’t so pervasive. On the other hand, we almost never get the option to play as a women in a war game.