How do you force someone to watch you jerk off?
How do you force someone to watch you jerk off?
Why are you so sure?
Then you don’t frequent record stores. In large cities such of Chicago, many of the present mom and pop record stores that sell vinyl have been around for decades. They’ve pretty much outlasted the large record stores like Tower and Streetside.
That’s a pretty big assumption you just made.
You must not know anyone into hip hop. And why do you assume an artist with literally millions of fans wouldn’t have many into vinyl. You’ve made a giant leap their kiddo.
Hip-Pop and RnB has always been on vinyl cause of Hip Hop DJ’s who generally didn’t migrate to CD’s and Midi the way electronic DJ’s did.
That’s what you implied. I mean, I guess if he was cuter, taller and had a bigger schlong this would have been far more understandable, right? Either way, there a many reasons a man may have many options. Kevin Hart is funny, personable and wealthy. That probably goes a long way, you’d think.
Right, because it’s only white women who will extort a black man. Seriously?
You need to learn how to internet, that chart is barely readable.
DiamondDNice is right, “black twitter”(Which is just a particularly crass section of all black twitter users) is barely funny and pretty shallow. All the “dragging” was basically silly, immature memes and jokes that would have been barely funny in junior high school. These are supposed to be grown folks?
But you aren’t commenting on your experience. And your short man has nothing to do with any other short man.
That’s not gaslighting that’s comedy. Unless you believe all the stories entertainers tell are true.
Because the qualities that make one attractive to the opposite sex rarely include fidelity and/or integrity.
She sounds like an asshat as well.
You also failed to mention Chicago House, Fusion, Parliament/Funkadelic, Hip Hop and Electro.
Yes, they are demoting him for the reason that at outsider petitioned them to kick him off the team. Unfortunately, that is not a good or fair reason. They let him on the team, they can’t simply kick him off without cause. And having served time for rape is not cause(If it wasn’t cause to prevent him from joining the…
As someone else pointed out, unless they have a policy that states that players can be demoted for transgression committed in the past they don’t really have any ground to stand on. If he committed a DUI while on the team, that is a different story altogether. What the school is doing is pretty out of bounds and not…
If he’s still being prevented from participating fully in public life, than yes, he is being prevented from moving on.
Serving time does in fact clear your name. You are somehow suggesting that rape is some unforgivable crime from which no one is redeemed. That’s BS.
When is murder or theft ever acceptable? You’re just making up your own arbitrary norms.