Holy crap! What a shitty night for the cops!
Holy crap! What a shitty night for the cops!
Every day in Richmond, BC Canada.
Odd you couldn’t get them in the US. They were quite popular in Canada.
CP! Spend a little more and grab an early SX4.
My question is, is it Goodyears fault, or the companies buying them for the incorrect application?
Think Robert William “Willy” Pickton started outdoing his pigs with a dildo on the muzzle of a .38 before moving on to “Ladies of the night”. And in a former common wealth country to boot.
Uhm Chevy from Australia? FCA Bailed on Chrysler BTW.
No, he said Winnipeg. Close enough though.
“So you won’t be boarding an LFBD anytime soon on a flight to Winnipeg.”
How many Buschs’ do you have to kill to be that stupid?
Any $$$ Spent on a VW means more $$$ needed. Buy a boat instead.
COTD/Information of the year. Well done.
Nope. The auto-makers are looking at range and fast charging so they can make the money for building super car. The research gives them just the opportunity for it to be possible. Give me a vehicle that can do 600Km on a charge and charge up in the same time as it takes to fuel a similar dino-powered vehicle I am in…
2014/2015 Mazda 3 GS. Great on gas, pretty good handling. Plus, all the bells and whistles. Seeing a load of the on CL around Vancouver on used cal lots for $13500.
Rear seat is ripped. I have been in Canada for a while and never saw one and it’s just a juiced up “Fix it again Tony” Fiat. It may be easier to work on than a 2 piece lego kit, but CP to hell and back.
Congrats Onioners. Now why is this cross posted to Jalopnik? Just asking.
I’ll ask my wife.
Ugh. $2200 Canucky-Bucks per year for a 2014 Mazda 3. God Bless ICBC <Sarcasm>
“Focusing on whether Herzberg stepped in front of the car sidesteps key” This hurts.