
HP = torque * rpm. That's all there is to it. I've never heard the term RMS torque; normally in DC motors you get peak torque at 0rpm, 0 torque at max rpm, and a straight line torque curve in between. Peak HP is then somewhere around 50% rpm. Current draw is then directly proportional to torque, so full HP is

Someone could die just as easily at an event like the winter olympics (in fact a skeleton racer died at the last one). The x-games are also extremely dangerous (I remember seeing someone fall off the huge big-air half pipe from 40ft up, but he was extremely lucky and only broke an ankle). Red Bull air-races are

But this was posed for?

I'm 25, and I think that most of the people at Occupy Wallstreet are lazy, greedy, idealistic, naive, and losers.

Gas? Where we're going, we don't need gas.

What's a 260hp equivalent? HP isn't a rating that only applies to gas engines... so is it 260hp or isn't it?

I don't think you're understanding. I wasn't anywhere near the holland tunnel, and neither was my car. The camera THOUGHT it saw my license plate, but it didn't. My car and I were at my house, not at the holland tunnel.

Ok, now, can you make them 1.5V instead of 1.2?

Ok, now, can you make them 1.5V instead of 1.2?

I haven't been caught by one, except that one time I got a ticket for crossing the holland tunnel without an ezpass at 3am while I was sleeping in another state (and the ezpass was also sitting in another state... in my car... in the driveway). These auto-ticket systems can go fuck themselves.

What's that? Oh, that's the sound of all the New Yorkers who voted for the Karsan V1 taxi saying "told ya so." Glass roof, seats 4 in the back, AND wheelchair accessible. Screw you NYC for approving both the other contenders/ugly old vans, and not the one that actually won the vote!

These are popping up all over the city already. I've seen several this week.

Keep in mind the three out of a trillion is only when the battery isn't dead...

From what I can tell, there are three lasers, reflecting off mirrors into that central "phosphor" unit. This then reflects off a trapezoid shaped parabolic mirror, and out. Whoever did the render of it in the car messed up, and made a "U" shaped light source. The actual light would be a solid trapezoidal lit area

110 GWh/Year? So... basically 12.5MW average? You have time on both sides of the unit...

Let's not forget the million WebOS users either...

What the... where are you seeing deloreans for under 20k? Are they completely wrecked? Up in the northeast they never get that cheap.

Well, imagine for a minute that you get home to find your wife and the pool boy getting it on in the back seat of your wife's new Mercedes. You've been working overtime to be able to afford it, and haven't been around the house much. You knew your wife really wanted a Mercedes, so you put in the extra hours to make

The icons are arranged so that the lowest row is cut off, making it obvious that you can scroll the page, and also making it more like you are looking at a small portion of a page that continues instead of just looking at a full page that you have to "turn." The area at the right side is so that you can scroll the

The resolution/screen ratio of WP7 is slightly less tall than the OS that the N9 ran, so it's just as wide but not as tall (most likely, the three required buttons are taking up that extra space below the screen now)