
In a year or two? The last America's Cup was a trimaran (American) against a catamaran (some other country). 3 hulls > 2, so we won, 'merica, hell yeah!. They also have an America's Cup series now that has multiple races a year, all run with Catamarans. I saw it on TV the other day, it was actually really

I read an article describing the scene, noting that people were playing guitar, and blogging on mac laptops... if you don't have any money, why are you buying mac laptops?!?!

They probably shouldn't be paying $100/mo for the contract if they don't have $200 of liquid assets.

That Detroit news article on Nardelli is hilarious.

Also, I don't know about anyone else, but I LOVED sitting in the jump seat as a kid. It was awesome! You got to see the road flying by, and wave at random drivers.

I've seen these in the backs of fairly recent mercedes wagons. This is the back of a 2011 E350... so... do they not sell those in the US?

On most plays in baseball, 3 people do anything: Pitcher/Catcher/Batter. If there is a hit, generally 2 more take part (whoever catches it, and the first basemen). Certain plays will have 6 people taking part. In football, there are 22 people doing something on every play. There is a lot more going on.

I can dream.

If you want to use the phone, you can remove just pull the bundle of while keeping the sinch wrapped around it.

Agreed. This is one of the best trucks in the city. I didn't even know I liked beets until I ate there.

Now playing

These planes are most definitely designed to take the stresses of a barrel roll. A barrel roll, executed properly, is a 1g maneuver, meaning it is no more stress on the plane than flying level. Takeoff/landing are much more stressful. This video for instance, is a 707 doing a barrel roll.

I'm going to tell you right now: you can stop bothering with the burger trucks. You can't get a good burger at a truck because they all cook every burger well done... lame. What's the point of well-done kobe?

The thing is... that tractor is awesome. I see no problem with this.

I'll sum up the burgers from this truck for you really quickly:

I think that's a Lambo dude.

Because they put fake engine noises in an M series. That takes some balls.

Well, they stole it from the Daily Show, who used to do it all the time with any group that had an acronym.

Austrian. Not Australian.

Clearly, the track key should come with the car, and the regular key should be an add-on that makes the mileage/emissions better.