He’s very clearly had hair transplant surgery (see the perfect hairline despite thinning) and the scar on the back of his head from the donor spot.
He’s very clearly had hair transplant surgery (see the perfect hairline despite thinning) and the scar on the back of his head from the donor spot.
This sucks, but what is it we’re expecting? Do we have immigration laws, or do we not? The Federal government HAS TO BE a cold, law-driven unit that treats every person equally and without ‘gray areas’. There’s no room for special interests, ‘sympathy’, etc. at the Federal level, because that ALWAYS ends up badly,…
There’s always this talk of short careers, lack of security, and “short end of the stick” for the players, but what do you see when you look at team parking lots? A bunch of $90k, at a minimum, rides. And that’s just a small public glimpse into their lifestyle. I’m not saying that they shouldn’t use their leverage to…
Griffin? Wasn’t it Lebron that orchestrated the construction of this roster? This would be a better team with Andrew Wiggins.
Yes, I’m absolutely saying that being able to fly wherever you want (AND back), whenever you want, for AT MOST $1k is a privilege that we should be more thankful to have. Please refer to the numerous other Louis CK references about this. I’m refuting that air travel should be nationalized, as if it’s a right to be…
The Fed is responsible for every economic bubble (and eventual bubble burst) we’ve experienced? Whaaaaaat...
Absolutely, yes. ‘Cheap’ is obviously relative, but come the fuck on. I can get ANYWHERE in this country for $1k, roundtrip. That same amount will also get me to most places on this planet. The number of cities I can get to for a FRACTION of that is pretty staggering too. Fucking entitlement
You’re kidding, right? Please take a moment to reflect on how the Democratic-controlled Congress passed the ACA. Bipartisan my ass. It’s dangerous for EITHER side to be so recklessly partisan, regardless of how much they think the ends justify the means, because all it does is set a precedent that will then be taken…
Ha, right. Ironic, really, given another article on here today:
A whole day? I live in Philadelphia and work in LA. I make this trip weekly, catching a 6AM flight (PHL) and landing by 10AM (LAX). How are you going to drive that?
Welcome to the free market. If you don’t like the price or the service, don’t buy the damn car.
You would have a perfectly good excuse... you should always use a tax attorney rather than an accountant. Filing federal taxes, especially for the wealthy, is much more an exercise of maneuvering (and taking advantage of) tax law than it is of simple debits and credits.