
Is that that the same white privilege that this gentleman has? 

Hey Mike you forgot to address this news story this week that blows up some of your assertions

Black Lives Matter

Um, the majority of them were dead before we got to North America, disease took them out...They were just a branch of humanity that died out because they fell behind the rest of the world.

What’s that, here were some youths disrespecting people who are their elders would you would be going to jail because you attacked them if you saw them doing the same as these kids?

Now playing

If someone punched that kid like that big dude did to the 11 year youth the other day I would be cool with it.

I stand somewhat corrected, the thuggery level is not as bad as other spots but it is going up according to those who live there...so the cops must be under pressure to squash that shit.

MLK had a dream, this is not it ...

Kids dont pose a danger, what no...

“Also did you really place more blame on Cardi B for Jason van Dyke’s murder than Jason van Dyke?”

It is all inter-related all these people and systems failed this kid

How about we start the blame game with his moms that got knocked up at 14, his non father, the foster care system, the lack of mental health care for Americans and the non stop thuggery that causes the police to be on guard 24/7 in that hood

Um,his last name is Asian

Not one artilcle about CNN’s Areva Martin here at The Root, I wonder why?

Um, she was with a pack, so if he held her they would jump him and if they had knives this would give them an opening to stab him...He ended the situation quickly by a show of force.

What happens when CNN pulls the race card once too often

I mean, come on. Even if her little push was “assault”, the appropriate reaction would be to walk away and find a security guard or cop.”

How about you contact the parents and ask them why the minors were ganging up on a woman and child