I was right
Shaun provided more proof that he is white, he snitched to the police
I think that you spelled truth incorrectly
One more example of The Root readers jumping to conclusions to add to the collection, for example...
Wakanda Forever?
I am pretty sure it was just a case of when keepin it real goes wrong
I was being facetious in regards to my comment about profiling
It is Cali, they are not allowed to profile anyone, having a wound does not mean that you are guilty of a crime.
Well, in the video I saw one woman was yelling at the paramedic to call the baby momma of one of the victims he was working on sooooo Black .
Did they do a study showing how a culture of Thuggery leads to these outcomes?
The truth as told by an African American social worker from Philly
Will The Root be covering this case of female thuggery at a McDonalds?
“And even if he is schizophrenic and on drugs that’s at least a quarter of the people in prison most without his violent rap sheet”
I don’t see any weapon charges on his rap sheet like you would find on many gangbangers sheets, He only got handsy with his girlfriend/s not anyone in public previously, he was not a dealer just a user. Mental diseases like Schizophrenia are caused by altered brain chemistry and structure and are a real thing. ADHD is …
I think that they rather keep the space open for a gangbangers, murder suspects, rape suspects, etc
If you read the article, it said that they are not allowed to move mentally ill people to other county jails so yeah some people they will lock up because they can send them to out of county which is not the case with this dude.