
I guess they never met these brothers

From the comments on the article

Nice try but,

I see once again that The Root left out the detail regarding EJ being friends with guy who was shot....He was not just some random guy walking around the mall who the police shot,he was involved with the public thuggery (loud fight outside of stores) that was happening before the shots were fired.

Black Teacher Magic

Um, the brother that was shot most likely told the police who shot him,not really a mystery.

If the dude said or showed Brown a gun during the argument that these guys had going on in a public mall that is what could have caused him to start shooting so it is relevant.

Yep there are questions.

As I said The Root left out that detail

Um, the child could have been hit with shrapnel so they might not be able to tell for sure which gun it came from

I see the The Root forgot the part where they guy who was shot was a friend of EJs so EJ was not some random black man just walking around the mall who the police shot, he was caught up in this public thuggery.

The bigger Native American tribes were killing the weaker tribes before and after we got here. We gave them a smackdown and they just did not get it ,that they lost and it was best to make peace...but they had to keep on keepin it real.

You Said I think I need more of an explanation than 31 yr old man dies of massive heart attack on bus to believe that this is just a regular death.”


An update on the story, this guy is a problem

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