
alright for the life of me i cannot seem to remember a particular website that recommends movies based on what you like. It did in a fairly easy layout and for the most part did it pretty well. I know it was posted on LH or Giz and I just can't find it. Anyone have any ideas?

This really put some things in perspective for me. So...

You and I good sir have the same desk. I like what you did with that shelf. I may have to do the same thing.

I'll be doing this most of the summer. Chicago has fireworks nearly all summer long.

@DiscoZombie: I second the use of the rule of thirds. While not always ideal, it can help with composition quite a bit.

Jump rope, good running shoes (approx 100$) because you can't work out if you are always injured! and push ups, lots and lots of push ups. That is my routine outside of playing soccer 2x/ week and I am in much better shape for it. I don't run much maybe 2-3 miles after a 10 min warm up with a jump rope twice a week.

I already watch their commercials instead of using torrents. What more do they want?

@32ndnote: All bags must be stowed either in the overhead compartment or below the seat in front of you. Thanks for flying United ;)

Where's the beef...or pork? I guess it couldn't hurt me to try a pizza with no meat on it...but you never know.

I stopped subscribing to cable 5 years ago. Used netflix (before streaming) and rabbit ears for my tv fix. Most recently though, I canceled Netflix to save a bit more money and use BitTorrent, Hulu and network sites for 100% of my entertainment. I now spend next to nothing on my entertainment where I used to spend

Chicken breasts, ground beef, skirt steak and as equally important is buying my dried spices as well.

Beer cocktail? I have one that I love to drink during the summer. It's called a Pancho Villa. 1/3 beer (Sol is what I like to use), 1/3 Squirt( I don't drink anything else but Sprite/7up/Fresca should work just fine) and top it off with two shots of tequila and a twist of lime.

Thank you jebus. This would save my desk. I use a couple of different notepads for messages and notes and this just seems so much easier than rummaging thru paper after paper. I am so close to making my office as paperless as possible and this seems like a workable way to be able to do it even further.

@bodar: thanks. You know what they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I am a high school administrator and have established and maintain a club completely around instructables for our students this year.

Chase Visa United mileage plus, Gap CC, and debit card. I use the debit card the most and for daily spending which draws from a checking acct. It keeps my spending in check because I only have so much in it. It is linked to another acct to protect from overdrafts with no penalties.