There are thousand of oktoberfest vids floating arould that would say otherwise, can’t remember the last time I saw a friend snort coke off another friends dick out in the open here in the U.S.
There are thousand of oktoberfest vids floating arould that would say otherwise, can’t remember the last time I saw a friend snort coke off another friends dick out in the open here in the U.S.
how is black not on this list?????
there are also new legendary weapons. I just got the LDR 5001.
pthe raid auto rifle has firefly, that should explain everything you need to know:}
I worked in an arcade when this machine first came out. being a big arcade that was originally attached to a movie theater when we got these games they were in parts that had to be assembled. After putting together 2 of these units I was exhausted and went home to sleep (those of us that did assembly worked 12 to 8…
I am still struggling to get the game to run right. I had about a week on the experimental version that ran great and now it’s back to crashing every 30 mins with bad frame rates.
they actually do. It’s the masters division. When my sons were into pokemon I would take them and sit around for 3 or 4 hours waiting for them to finish up until one night the guy who ran the organized play meets handed me a deck and showed me how to play. After that there was a group of about 6 adults that played at…
I set mine to 12 and now my pc almost never freezes whereas before I had the same problem as you on twitch and other video sites. occasionally I will get a little bit of lag on a video but windows wont restart the video driver as it did before.
Here ya go:
otherwise known as “instant felony” in a lot of states. Not sure I would be putting my criminal act’s out there for the world to see.
2 wrongs don’t make a right.
I realize that kotaku readers generally are not in to MMA, but seriously these fights don’t air until tonight. I was looking forward to this fight but once again it’s kotaku or gawker that ruins the ending.
where was the outrage when DDR came out? As a disabled gamer all i wanted to do was look stupid with my friends who were pretending to dance on the DDR machine. why havent you published a story like that yet.
most serial killers claim to be hard core religious as well, what point are you trying to make?
The reddit thread explains everything you would need to know to hang this guy. not only did he steal gun assets, but he ripped off boba fetts helmet, the drone from the movie oblivion and just about everything else in the game is stolen property. I am anticipating that the dinosaurs are actually stolen from the…
Yea i think they were so fucking high they forgot where they were. theres a before and after shot floating around andit’s pretty obvious they were more then just second hand smoke high.
why do they have to be dead? there is an over abundance of live ones that would do.
yea but borderlands 2 game of the year edition came out a year after the game was already out. battleborn has been out less then 3 weeks. I get the gearbox hate, they have done some shifty things over the years, but borderlands game of the year was not one of those shifty things.
I grew up in an abusive family, with no money and in some of the worst places in CA. With that being said I have yet to feel the need to go and rob somebody or steal another persons belongings. your argument is null and void.