Here i am thinking I am all alone in my feelings on this game. just want to thank you Drew for writing something many others would not dare to write.:)
Here i am thinking I am all alone in my feelings on this game. just want to thank you Drew for writing something many others would not dare to write.:)
Black tusk studio has already hinted that they are working on a new gears of war as well as a remastered gears of war pack. that is what will be announced at E3.
bulletstorm was a great game that suffered from a beta being packed in. lots of people bought the game just for the gears 3 beta and never touched it again. this happened with crackdown as well.
exactly, and how would you even go about shoehorning a 250 cc 2 stroke motor into the plywood one?
I agree with the point you are making in your post. I own a ps3 a wii and 2 xbox 360's. originally I bought an xbox 360 to play gears of war and halo with friends. later I bought a wii for my kids and a ps3 to try out some sony exclusive's like uncharted, ratchet and clank, shadow of the colossus/ICO remaster and…
this is why everyone should play munchkin. make up rules as you go:)
I spent Saturday night playing Wings of War. It's a fantastic game, originally designed as a card game but later adapted into something you play on a table using wonderful little plastic models of fighters. Part of the physical appeal of this is, yes, the fighters themselves. They're very collectible, and one of my…
No. This is honestly about safety. I do what I think is right. If you talk to my employees, I deeply care about my team. Also, the logic of skipping a PR event for PR escapes me.
while I understand the concept of sharing your controller it seems to me that 99% of the time it would be a bad idea exactly for the reasons put forth in the video.
I am wondering if they decided if they will ever do anything for rogue? It also has the initiates ad on the start screen but it would never connect to anything?
how is it that it took you 2 replies to answer a basic question that still has not been answered completely yet my reading comprehension is lacking?
please answer the actual questions, again none of the articles took a stand on the DLC issue, they only brought it to light so commentors could discuss it.
So please enlighten me on what I am wrong about? you guys did or did not run an ad for evolve? where is your article about the DLC issue with evolve? I see positive coverage from you guys but don't see anything else for a game that will end up just like titanfall.
I really like kotaku and just wish you had put one of those "sponsored by" tags next to your name on top of the article. it kind of looks funny that on launch day you had the big evolve ad and since then you have run nothing but how to and help articles on evolve yet you guys have barely tackled the real problem with…
one of my earliest childhood memories was of chuck e cheeses pizza time theater. now many here will think how could that be? it's so cute how all the robots just sit on the stage and sing every hour or so.
I figure ill try it again when more DLC comes out and in the meantime my 2 sons will play it every once in awhile with friends. with all the "nextgen" stuff currently not really being "nextgen" I figure i will spend some time on PC gaming and eventually move on to a XB1 and PS4. I also have nearly 200 360 games yet…
it's more like 5 months for 90 bucks as people who don't have the DLC stopped playing a long time ago.
it won't be around 12 months after release.
It is titanfall all over again. all the big gaming websites and blogs will praise the game for the first 4 months and then wonder what went wrong after that. I played the original alpha as well as several betas of evolve and the game just isn't there. 4 to 6 months after the game you guys will be writing about what…
About 3 months ago I fell ill with a bad case of mono. I missed a whole month of school, lost 15% of my body weight, I was hospitalized, and I needed surgery before the recovery process could even begin (surgery? for mono? its complicated). Anyways, due to the nature of mono's contagion there was a complete lapse of…