
re read the comment, exclusive they were not, timed exclusive they were. even with destiny you had to buy something in order to get early access. ps3 and xbox360 got the beta at the same time for those that didn't pre order the game. defiance beta was available for all and was on the pc before it ever came to ps3. God

I went into it thinking beta's would be cool but the allure of Demo's and other cool features exclusive to PS+ members only was really the selling point that got me. here is the original release from Sony taken from a wiki:

I have been a member of PS+ since it was first introduced on the ps3. there has not been a beta available exclusively to PS+ members since the beginning of the service even though it was a big selling point of the service. PS+ is nice though as the games you get for free do tend to be newer games and it's nice to have

Sony's PS4 built up a huge head of steam over the year, handily outselling its competitors and earning generally positive buzz. And then the fall arrived, and… well, the games just weren't that exciting. Oh, sure, there were plenty of good cross-platform, cross-gen games like Shadow of Mordor, Destiny, and Far Cry 4.

When the PS4, Wii U and Xbox One launched, people were understandably a little bit nervous about hard drive space. 500GB (or 32GB for the bigger Wii U) just didn't seem like a lot of room, particularly considering how games keep getting bigger as they get more elaborate. Turns out… yep! That's not enough room. Just a

We were all excited for Titanfall. Turns out, we had good reason to be—the game came out, and it was a hell of a lot of fun. We played the heck out of it for a few weeks, and had a blast. And then… well, we kinda just stopped playing. Based on a poll we did a little while back, a lot of you did, too. The game had a

I have a ps3 with software emulation, there is no difference between my ps3's playback of ps2 games and the original ps3 playback of ps2 games. I have yet to find a game it wont play from the ps2 era and i own some pretty old random games like Kelly Slaters surfing and Shaun palmer snowboarding as well as other less

Big ol NOPE!!!

thanks Gawker another white shame hit piece to keep this whole racial mess going. everybody needs to grow the fuck up and get over yourselves with all this race bullshit going around. if you are black and you have helped make Mr. brown a martyr then shame on you, you have once again perpetuated the stereo typical

the only reason i don't have a next gen console is due to a lack of an HDMI capable TV and a lack of funds to buy a new TV and console. I will say if it wasn't for the last gen we wouldn't have games like AC rogue or the new borderlands.

Can the 8 to 14 year old kids that have their parents buy them GTAV separate the game from reality? generally yes (all though i don't agree with it) because a parent is buying the game for them and generally has a handle on their kids maturity level. now we have a kid sitting alone in his room with a steam card he got

I loved the blades and was one of a million i am sure that beta tested all the new interfaces after that. my biggest let down was when the movie trailers were removed. I seem to be one of those rare people who actually show up to a movie to watch the trailers, and i actually enjoy watching the trailers. I found i

maybe i am wrong about this but from what i have seen the new damage level on the weapons caps at 301 instead of 300? why is this a problem exactly?

if P Diddy can punch out drake and send him to the hospital imagine what would happen when a bad guy from uncharted pulls a gun on him. it would make for a very short uncharted game:)

Check out Human Element, the new game by game studio Robotoki. Here's the trailer that premiered tonight at The Game Awards—it looks a bit like Borderlands, no?

so basically what you are saying is that it will be coming to Ps4 and PC but might only be playable on the Ps4? after the the last street fighter game on pc and dead rising 3 for pc i would never buy another capcom game till i actually see it up and running on a pc. Capcom has been pretty bad lately at optimizing

This is an awsome idea, I live with myotonic muscular dystrophy along with subpar lungs. when it gets cold out there isn't much i can do besides play some games. while games are great i hate actually having to pause and throw the O2 saturation meter on my finger to make sure i am ok to keep playing. it would be cool

that and the how the lights and reflections are really out of place. good for a "learning project" if the creator is just starting to use the engine.

how is this any worse then the assholes who take out other bikers and or cars racing around the canyons? yes these guys are idiots but so are most of the weekend warriors on the roads. how about writing an article about one of the canyon carvers who takes out the family out for a drive that happens almost on a weekly

You should think of the rhinos and elephants in the game as tanks, for example. Imagine what would happen if you tried to take out a tank with a bow and arrow. You're better off giving beasts like these everything you've got, explosives-wise. Other animals like tigers and dogs are more vulnerable to arrows. But