Also: don't freak out if you're flying in the helicopter and it starts making scary beeping noises and shaking. This has happened to me a bunch of times, but the thing has never actually stalled or crashed.
Also: don't freak out if you're flying in the helicopter and it starts making scary beeping noises and shaking. This has happened to me a bunch of times, but the thing has never actually stalled or crashed.
APU's actually, That's why going with 8 gigs of 5500MHz GDDR5 RAM on the ps4 vs 8 gigs of 2133MHz DDR3 RAM on the xbox one makes a huge difference in system performance and graphics.
wait so you are saying i should run out and throw down 400 bucks for a system just so i can play the same games i have been playing on other systems and my PC? yea no thanks maybe you guys can put up an ad when some new IP's come to the PS4, one's that are actually good and playable.
FC3's story was kind of weak in that you just happened to crash where you did during the time you did and then spent the rest of the game helping find your friends and escaping. without ruing the story in FC4 ill just say there is a reason you are there and it's not because your plane crashed.
I just finished up far cry 3 about a month ago and couldn't figure out how i missed the game when it originally came out. I have about 15 to 20 hours into far cry 4 as well and it seems different but i really can't put my finger on it yet. self driving cars are the greatest upgrade for me as the vehicles in FC3 always…
I shoot a lot of pistol and 3 gun matches and believe me guns do frequently get yearly model updates:)
your post's almost make it quite obvious that you work in an E.R.
welcome to the next gen consoles where the games are not worth playing. what game this year beside the 2 or 3 surprise hits are worth laying 60 bucks down for not to mention the 400 buck price of admission to the next gen hardware?
A pretty big win for criminals, steal a gun and get a misdemeanor, gee i can't see anything wrong with that.
Thought Sixteen: "You realize that if I tear off your door/mirror/aerial/headlight/whatever, it's a matter for the insurance companies, but if you hit me, you're going to jail, right?"
There comes a moment in the stealth mission in the game when your partner Campo tells you to "use your blade" on an enemy. The game forcibly switches you to your knife. The game has told you to be to avoid detection. Crouched, you sneak toward him, prepare to stab… and… die a horrible death. It's weird. One moment,…
Weirdly, you can watch a character drown themselves in San Andreas. People think it might be just a glitch, and if it is, it's a rather eerie one.
WOOO HOOO nothing like some good old racism to get the morning started.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
there would be no reason to keep playing a game if the loot you received made you happy, the grind so to speak would not be there. you would not need to go on raids to get better gear and the life of the game would be way shorter.
I think you just named all 12 available games for the xbox 1:)
just for disclosure, I have over 2500 hours into borderlands 2 and over 1400 hours into the original borderlands. to say i am obsessed with the games is an understatement.
been playing all day and there is no slag.
I think destiny will be soon forgotten about by many players. The only reason i picked it up was to give me something to do while waiting for borderlands the pre sequel to come out. next week will be interesting to see how many people are still playing destiny and what bungie will do to draw the crowds back.
I am still waiting to go to Saturn or the dozens of other planets as was quoted by Bungie in part 2 of the vid-doc. WHAT HAPPENED TO SATURN!!!!!????