nope you get stabbed to death instead. I would rather be shot.
nope you get stabbed to death instead. I would rather be shot.
nope you get stabbed to death instead. I would rather be shot.
you guys forgot the whole aspect of interest on an account when game developers start preorders a year out of the game release.
gears hasn't even been announced yet, fable has seen numerous iterations with 1 or 2 of the games actually doing well and 343 has yet to live up to halo fans. killer instinct was a cool concept when it came out in the arcades originally but is crap on the xbox one. crackdown did well because it came with the beta…
or parchment paper for wax paper? sheesh:)
the only reason this article was written was to whore out the name of the blog it is posted on. every time Dana white says "deadspin" you guys get a slew of new people checking out the blog. the only way to keep white saying the name is to write more BS article's bringing in more people.
Yea i completely understand what you and others are saying and do agree what was done at the UFC event was out of the ordinary, but comparing a team sport bad ref call to MMA is apple to oranges. in team sports the team that had the bad call against them can still come back to win the game, the judges are payed to…
there are usually 5 or more judges at each event. a judge will rotate out for each fight to keep things fair. there was still 3 judges for every other fight that night. any one who actually didn't see the fights in question should go take a look to see how bad the judging actually was. the fight's were in no way close…
you should have named this post "xbox 1, ps4 or crappy old console converter. which would you rather spend nearly 400 bucks on"?
DING! DING! we have a winner!
but it works out the other way as well. by having overstock on a triple AAA title you actually have the ability to sell a game you would otherwise lose a sale on because the customer never pre ordered it yet you have one in stock. I can't tell you the number of times i went to gamestop to buy a game a day or 2 after…
Welcome to the media biz. What you have described pretty much goes on with print magazines as well as online blogs. I did work for some of the largest sport bike mags out there, yet i was paid nothing. Back in the day it was called "paying your dues" but it has become such a normal thing in the print media as well as…
but would that not be the same as downloading them?
if i own all the Cd's and then went and downloaded them from a pirate site so i could listen to the music without destroying the CD is that still pirating?
bummed i missed the last one, i would have told the story about how i overdosed at my fathers funeral in the parking lot of the Mormon church where the funeral was held after getting in front of all the grieving relatives and telling them what a shit bag my father really was, it was one hell of a day.
don't follow twitter so i never saw the message, but how about we do away with all the lame hallmark holidays like fathers day and mothers day. Hell even valentines day and the rest of them can go and we can all save a little money.
the game store that i used to take my sons to for Pokemon league said it's number 1 stolen item was yu-gi-oh cards and items. it got to the point that even though the yu-gi-oh night was the most profitable night of the week for them they did away with the card game and stopped selling the cards as not only were they…
not really, an apu combines the processor and the GPU which utilizes and shares the system ram. A GPU card has it's own ram to siphon from. sony was smart in that aspect as they used better ram in their machine.
Actually they use "APU's" and not graphics cards.
The Promise: The 360 will receive "literally hundreds of games" in the "next several years." They went on to mention seven games by name which would release in the following 12 months, including Grand Theft Auto V, which would launch in September, and the free-to-play World of Tanks, made available to Xbox Live Gold…