
The Promise: The 360 will receive "literally hundreds of games" in the "next several years." They went on to mention seven games by name which would release in the following 12 months, including Grand Theft Auto V, which would launch in September, and the free-to-play World of Tanks, made available to Xbox Live Gold

I couldn't agree more, but again this game was for the most part just a container for the gears of war 3 beta in the same way crackdown was for the halo beta. crackdown ended up being a really good game that got a sequel.

does anyone even remember why bulletstorm is a game people talked about? nobody saw a teaser for it on the web and said "I gotta have that game".

here's your review:

Generally as a rule I buy the Costco brand precooked bacon for my family. Even though it looks like you are getting way less bacon than the uncooked 3 pack you actually get the same amount for nearly the same price. it already comes separated on wax paper and all you have to do is throw it in a pan for a minute if its

don't know how long ago it was that you were there but when i was a student there years and years ago one of the classes i took was halfway up an old parking garage. we had to walk up the floors to get to class.

never understood why someone would pay for cosmetic changes to a controller. It is your money though so no reason to complain.

I think Sony learned awhile ago that listening to their supporters is a good thing to do. Don't know if anyone remembers when they decided to take OtherOS away on the PS3 but a lot of people were pissed myself included. the issue is still being pursued in court (not by me). the original groups that unlocked the ps3

when the 360 and ps3 came out i bought the 360 to play gears of war, the only reason I bought a ps3 was because it was about to lose backwards compatibility and i had loads of ps2 games and a broken ps2. I would have never played metal gear 4 if it had not been included in the ps3 console bundle. it was a great game

Today, Insomniac Games released a new trailer for Sunset Overdrive. In it, drinks created by a big corporation turn the world's inhabitants into monsters. Those specific details weren't public information before today.

I have been waiting for sunset overdrive as it was really the only thing shown last year during the console reveals that really interested me. not only did it interest me but when the Microsoft teaser started playing before the consoles were officially announced and before the game was ever advertised, it was the one

there you guys go, the chart to gut all your dream characters for this game. no deadpool, xmen, fantastic four and the kicker no spidey or venom. now the chart is for movie rights but obiously thats where the toys are headed as the first set will be the avengers.

I will admit i know little to nothing about japan and it's current state of whats cool and whats not. with that said what is the difference between Avril Lavigne doing this video and Kirsten Dunst doing the "turning Japanese" video? every one loved that video when it trickled out on youtube. what exactly am i missing

I love when these stories come up and you guys all get ruffled and tell each other what losers each of you are for this or that.

4K gaming seems to be the next big thing aftre the 3d television craze. how are those 3d televisions doing by the way? it seems the 4K trend is catering towards those with more money then brains kinda like the 3D televisions when they first came out. In a couple years we will all have moved past 4K gaming in favor of

sounds like the the equivalent to the freak show tent at a carnival. being disabled I can safely say no matter how bad i want to go to a pax event or any con event for that matter it will never happen for me as my funds go to meds to keep me healthy as possible and alive. video games and disabilities go hand in hand

there needs to be a law against skinny gunzerkers

completely agree with you on this. it was rumored there was no single player yet the word campaign kept getting thrown around making one think there might be a single player aspect to the game.

I agree it needs a solid single player or co-op campaign. After the beta i couldn't imagine playing this over and over and over. without a single player campaign it was a no buy game for me. the shadowrun remake on the 360 was a fun game but when they cut the servers it made the game unplayable to those of us who were

what campaign are you talking about? it's all multi player.