Snow Dog

1. I don’t answer the phone unless I know who’s calling and want to talk to them at that moment. If it’s important enough, they’ll leave a voice mail or text to follow up. By the same token, if I call someone, I start the discussion with “is now a good time to talk for a few minutes?”

It’s Evil Week, Josh! Lean into it! You don’t make excuses during Evil Week, you tell that SOB “Fuck no, I’m not hanging out with you tonight!”

Yep. There’s nothing I won’t do for a spoonful of peanut butter!

Only on the inside, katie_keys. Only on the inside.

You so completely missed the opportunity for a “happy ending” pun that I’m embarrassed on your behalf.

Get him a bus pass.

I prefer to save that for other people’s kids.

The absolute most surefire way to get a kid to do something is to tell them, very clearly, not to do it.

A few years ago (my apologies if you heard this before; I shared it on a Hackerspace Friday Open Thread back when it first happened) I caught the Snow Pup searching for porb on the internet. He was gobsmacked that I knew how to see what he was searching for online, so I told him I could see his browser history, and it

Dude should say “Honey, this is what turns me on. If you’re a loving, supportive partner, you’d be down with discussing it openly. But you’re one of those people that feels it’s necessary to snoop around and put me on guilt trips instead of talking like adults. So it’s come to this: Grow up or GTFO”.


Hey, does this mean we’re nemesises now?  I’ve always wanted a nemesis -- can I be the villian first?

Yet another years-old article from before the twilight of this site reposted like it’s new.  And you guys scratch your head and wonder why you’re becoming less and less relevant every day.

Thanks for the free feedback on my parenting. It’s worth everything to me.

You’re forgetting one simple thing. YOU are the parent, from whom all privilege flows. Snow Pup hated having Life 360 installed on his phone, but I made it clear that the price for vehicular freedom was having it installed and activated on his phone.

Yep. Tried them both, and memojis reappear the next time the keyboard is opened.

That’s not new to iOS13.  It’s been in place for a while; but I do like the reminders from time to time.  I’d appreciate it if it wasn’t a one time notification, though.  It doesn’t hurt to see “Garmin Connect is using your location in the background. Is that OK?” every couple of weeks or so, just so you don’t forget

If you speak normally (I know, I know, lots of people think they speak normally but the don’t. Mrs. Snow Dog talks to Siri like my dad talks to all those furriners he meets on vacation... Slowly, loudly, with exaggerated enunciation.) then text entry via Siri can be faster than typing on an iPhone. Maybe not as fast

OK, the next time someone asks me why I think Lifehacker went down the tubes when Whitson left, I’m pointing to this article that says “DON’T SPEND MONEY THAT DOESN’T BELONG TO YOU” as exhibit A.

I’ve simply accepted that I won’t bother to read most of the stuff on my RIL list.