Snow Dog

Yep, public accountability — even if it’s only in your head* — is a great motivator.

You’re assuming someone that’s so inconsiderate/oblivious/self-involved that they plop down in the middle of lunch rush and occupy a table for two hours while buying one iced tea is going to pick up on something less to-the-point than “don’t you be an asshole, too”.

Sure, iced tea is high margin, but it’s still cheap.  You’re not keeping the lights on by making a 90% margin on a guy that spent two bucks over 3 hours.

Bruh, You said your previous comment would be your last one.  WHY DID YOU LIE TO US TO KEEP THIS STUPID THREAD ABOUT YOUR ENTITLEMENT GOING??!?!?!?!?!??!?

Don’t bother being so polite.  “Our outlets are blocked because some asshole thought he could run his office from our table during lunch rush” gets the point across quite clearly.

Ha! The trick’s on them. They can get me to show up earlier, but they can’t get me to work more!

All of the other OG kinja blogs still have a focus — Deadspin does sports, mostly. Kotaku does gaming. Gizmodo covers tech stuff. Jalop does cars. Lifehack just kinda does... whatever... It’s gotten fuzzy and less useful... Judging by the number of times comments I made years and years ago get starred now, it seems

Games only? Maybe I’d go in for $5 a month. Open it up to other apps? I’d be open to spending a helluva lot more. I’d spend $20 a month in a hot second if it included wellness and family apps as well.

It sad to see how far it’s fallen from when Gina, Whitson, and Alan were running the place. Lifehacker used to be an several-times-a-day stop for me, now it’s maybe once a week... or less.

I see they’re not following my tried-and-true method of moving out when the place gets too dusty...

Did you really just post an article titled “

I used to work with a guy that did a round-trip from Chicago to Japan every six weeks or so. His guaranteed solution to sleeping on the flight was to slam three screwdrivers on the tarmac before the plan pushed away from the gate. He’d be sound asleep by the time they reached 35k feet, wake up with a little buzz left

Well, you see here, the problem is you went and got a phone with a bigger screen...

Yep.  My aunties desperately need this, more than my kids do...  When was the last time you read about someone falling for a Nigerian Prince scam, where the victim wasn’t a senior citizen?

Well, for the vast majority of time when I’m going back and forth between temperature scales, I’m trying to decide if I need to take a jacket with me or not.  If I’m doing something technical, I’m probably starting in Celsius, since we converted all of our specs over to metric 30-some years ago.

Mostly?  You go to nicer restaurants than I do.

Or, take a look at where you’re traveling and make lists appropriately. Why waste time on an “international packing list” if you aren’t leaving the county?

We call them Eagle Moms in the scouts... Parents that are more invested in their kids’ advancement than the kids are. I had a mom come up to me at a camp out last fall, with kid in tow. She pulled out his book, which had been conveniently highlighted (in FOUR! different colors!) and the discussion went down hill

On a related note, I have this recurring nightmare that Social Security won’t collapse, but as medical technology advances, they’ll keep rolling the minimum benefit age out just a little faster than I can get to it.  In the news o my 432nd birthday, Tom Brocaw’s clone announces “In other news, the federal government