Snow Dog

“Tired” probably means both needing a break and needing sleep in this context. Even when Mrs. Snowdog pumped so that I could take the nighttime feedings, we were both awake-ish when the first pup cried to be fed. He was (and still is, at 18) a terrible sleeper — didn’t want to go to bed, woke up at the drop of a pin,

When both the Snow Pups were born, we were in a financial position that allowed Mrs. Snow Dog to be a stay-at-home mom for an extended period of time. It was a tough decision to make, and it’s had a life-long impact on us financially. Totally worth it, to be sure, but you can’t go into those decisions thinking that

Said the dude who hasn’t been caring for an infant...

Brilliant! We follow the same advice for traveling with small children!

Lifehacker went to shit when Alan and Whitson left.  The news just aren’t that good.  I’ve gone from checking multiple times per day to MAYBE once or twice a month.

Sorry, this is just fucking nuts.

Naw, the only response would be “Well no shit, obviously you couldn’t cut it as a lawyer, that’s why you’re doing drudge work. Now get me a coffee.”

Close enough. The truth is that everyone is working for their own goals. If you’re lucky, your coworkers’ goals align well enough with yours that you get along work-wise.

Nope. Still using the only measurement system that landed mankind on the moon...

Agreed. It’s been a long time since LH ran this kind of stuff. And it’s been sorely missed.

Yep. I remember when I was in college, two years I lived on campus and two years off. The one year that was a complete disaster was when I roomed with a buddy from high school- that was a nightmare, even compared with rooming with a complete stranger as a freshman.

Your use case is not the only use case.

Nice. I really want to reinforce that sense that I’m carrying all the load by quantifying it in detail. That won’t ever explode all over the relationship, exactly like an overstuffed diaper.


You like that? Check out this guy I was behind at the drive thru the other day... I swear I don’t know him. Seems like he might be Canadian, though...


PRO TIP: If your fiancee ever catches you looking, “Holy crap! Can you believe she went out in public dressed like THAT?!?!” will get you off the hook 67.4% of the time.

Only if hipster is short for “fukken pretentious” in this context...

There are plenty of places where something like a boogie board is not usable. I used to work in an office that didn’t permit non-company-owned electronics into the building. Now I spent lots of time on factory floors, where a paper notebook is much more durable and flexible than a tablet-ish device.

There are plenty of places where something like a boogie board is not usable. I used to work in an office that

Sorry, no. I have a full time job, two teenaged kids, sports, scouts, and volunteering going on. It’s the same for pretty much everyone in my social circle. There is no such thing as “short notice” when you want to get together with friends and need to make sure there isn’t a baseball tourney, scout camp, volunteer