Snow Dog


Yep, and frequently SAPs* have multiple tiers of security within them. There might be a TS segment of a program that contains more specific information, and a Secret segment that just makes use of the information. If you’re thinking spies and thriller novels, the Secret bit of espionage would be data from a source

That’s why you need to do some research. Glassdoor is an OK start, but most industries have a professional society that can give you an idea of what jobs in that field pay in your area.

No... Use their head to lever your 300lb body up out of the seat. “Oh, sorry, I thought I was leaning on the seat back...”

Are you really that much of a DB, or just another internet toughie?

Claire! You doggo looks way too unimpressed with your purchase! You DO know, don’t you, that several of the pockets on overalls are exactly the right size for doggo treats, right?

Getting an advanced degree in engineering on your own dime is pretty stupid, imo.

Well, in my case my personality dramatically cuts down on the freaking*, but your mileage may vary.

What’s wrong with Rumpts? Why are you suddenly swerving to the Not Rumpt camp? And when’s Hursday?!?!?!

haveibeenpwned.com will tell you which hack compromised your account. Scroll down a little.

On the upside, you can always write for a blog, even if the literature is wrong...

Yep, I even surprise myself sometimes.

Sure, once or twice. After that, wifey needs to accept it and move on instead of asking for bullshit affirmation that she’s right via anonymous requests for advice affirmation from some random web site.

That’s not* circular logic, though. He was given clear directions by the aircraft crew, and refused to comply with the directions.

Yes but nope. The simple solution is to say “I love you, but if you can’t get along with Chad, you aren’t invited to the barbecue.”

Nobody made you read this, bruh.

1. Every “Overqualified Engineer” I’ve ever met was stuck because they weren’t willing to move for a job. Don’t get hung up on living in the Bay Area — there are hundreds of good jobs out there that pay well. Don’t forget, you’re also choosing to live in one of the most expensive areas in the country; an entry-level

No kidding! This was one of the earliest big issues Mrs. Snow Pup and I had when we first got married. Her best-friend-since-second-grade/maid-of-honor was married to a complete jerkass (the difference in my story is that Mrs. Snow Dog married a genuinely wonderful, considerate, easy to get along with sweetheart of

Answer 3) “You know, your wife asked me the same thing this morning over breakfast.”

That’s too discursive. I always reply with “Enjoying my hard-won victory over idiots that ask stupid interview que—- oh, wait”.