
He may teetotal but his health is atrocious otherwise, and no way he can handle the stress of President for four years, nevermind eight. His heart is a ticking clock at this point.

Also trying to convince the Doctor that letting a bunch of children die in firey agony is the right thing to do. WORST. TEACHER. EVER.

I liked Clara too, but that was part of the issue: plot device first, character second. Even with the massive improvements after Capaldi came on, it felt like scrambling. We're supposed to go along with her getting to know this new Doctor, but we don't know anything about HER so we're lost in more ways than one.


I like her. After the clusterfuck that was Clara's character, it's nice to see a fun, likable companion who's all like "Time travel! Holy shit!" It feels like a palette cleanser.

It really says a lot about Amy that her questions about the TARDIS were really out there.

Couldn't have been worse than Robbie Williams (Jesus…)

*hard cut to her acting way too excited at being served a single piece of sushi*

Now she's trying to look like Anorexic Adele and I'm not sure why.

People keep on making Trump/Nickelback jokes, but Nickelback actually released a protest song on their last record. It was a super generic one (We're against bad things!) but a protest song nonetheless.

At this rate Train would find a way to fuck up Happy Birthday.

Only Type O Negative had a clever one: the Least Worst of Type O Negative.

Not even Coda fer fuck's sake.

God help me, Taylor Hawkins' solo album is so goofy and stupid I can't help but love it. It's like getting mad at a child for a shitty drawing of its favorite animal. You can't call it good, but it's so endearing you can't help but appreciate it.


Even better, this was a conference call with my team, so my Project Manager and IT officer were listening. We all just stared dumbfounded at each other. The existential horror was shared.

I just left a firm that made websites for CPA's and pretty much all of them were insane. I had one woman who said she didn't understand metaphors. I don't even have a metaphor for that!

Eh it was more like this: my job didn't make sense. My living situation didn't make sense. That's bad enough but that's all on me, right?

I can only speak for myself, but here goes: 2016 I lost the nice apartment my girlfriend and I had and moved into a cheaper place with poor plumbing and inconsiderate roommates. I ended up taking a job that over-burdened me for not much pay in an industry I didn't care much for, but my preferred industry almost

I have to confess I have a soft spot for those kind of films. The ones who are just ruthlessly straight forward. Mann could have pitched that film as "Tom Cruise is a ruthless killer reeking havoc" and I'd have been on board one hundred percent.