
I have a lot of this with Playstation games all my friends loved that I just could never get into.

What I dug so much about these episodes was the fact that the day was saved by Steven's unique input and abilities. Early episodes he felt like the tagalong kid. Ever since Season 2 he's felt more like an active and vital member of the team. Here he took initiative, showed insight, and in the end the day wouldn't have

This article is the BrisBANE of my existence.

See with his love of denim and turquoise jewelry, Depp's been dressing like a grandma for years. He'll age just fine.

"This is Bart Simpson. How may I help you, ma'am?"

It looks like an explosion took place in a rainbow factory.

"Sorry not sorry" kind of sums up Johnny Depp's career at this point.


Where does "Scoop" fall in?

I won't bring it up if you don't.

I like that he and Ebert became friends after "Godzilla". Emmerich was clearly intending something, and I love that Siskel & Ebert took it in good humor and didn't rise to the bait. In fact, Siskel asked the obvious question "If you don't like us and put us in a monster film, why don't you have the monster eat or

It's funny he calls Sting's solo work "dad music", because Henry Rollins has used Sting as a punchline for lame, milquetoast suburban music for years. To quote: "Every Sting CD comes with a coupon for Bed Bath & Beyond and a DVD for an Alan Alda movie."

(singing) "Sprinkle some fries on those CUPCAAAAAAAKES."

I almost crashed my car commuting in Chicago laughing so hard at the "Giant Rat" bit off "My Weakness Is Strong." Best part is I was going through a depression at the time from a break-up and that was the first time where I was like "Oh wow, I can feel JOY again!"

"Big Bang Theory" should take notes. THAT'S how you write about geek culture.

In fairness, "Werewolves and Lollipops" set such a high standard it's hard to beat.

I agree. There are moments where I'm like "Okay, I'm totally on board with gay rights, but can we have an actual joke now instead of trolling for easy applause?"

I had just finished it, googled him, and had my heart plummet through my stomach.

I have an awesome Prince story: I saw him live on the Musicology tour in '04 at the United Center in Chicago, but it was for a re-scheduled gig he initially cancelled because a family member of his crew died and he didn't perform out of respect.

I didn't mind the 3D in "Resident Evil: Afterlife", but the abusive amount of slo-mo was ridiculous. Even worse, it just made you sit back and take in how poorly staged the fight scenes were. I can't in good conscience call any of the "Resident Evil" movies "good", but that one was easily the worst of the lot.