
"Animatrix" IS really good actually. The segments written by the Wachowskis themselves actually has much deeper ideas and a more original scope than the sequels did, making them even more of a disappointment. Actually that sums up the "Animatrix" right there: more interesting twists than the actual films.

I honestly feel "Matrix Revolutions" had one of the best teaser trailers ever, to the point where not living up to that promise is what made me the angriest. You see the machines drilling into Zion, you see Neo fighting Smith, you hear "it ends tonight." All signs of an epic conclusion.

I agree. With either Nine OR Eight (who both had short tenures), suddenly lines like "Be the Doctor I never could be" or "You were the Doctor when it was impossible to get it right" take on a whole new meaning.

I get the feeling the emotional break-downs would have gotten less old-hat if they didn't happen EVERY SEASON in the Tennant years. Sarah Jane's reaction to their return was the only one I bought.

Random observation: any time Capaldi has the jacket and jumper, he seems more set into the role. He had the white starched shirt in the first season he was good but still not fully baked. There's an effortlessness in his performance this season that was missing before.

With "Day of the Doctor", I heard a rumor they invented the War Doctor because they couldn't imagine Eight or Nine destroying Gallifrey. Given what happens in "Day of the Doctor", I'm almost wondering if they should have given the War Doctor's role to Eight. Very little would need to be re-written, and since even

I haven't seen the movie but I DID spoil the ending because that's how I roll. Not going to give it away here and ask you don't in this thread, but I'll say this…the ending made sense. Even just a dry description of events I was like "Ooh, that's a good premise."

Thanks man. Hope you're doing better too.

Let me set a scene for you guys here: it's 2009. The economy had just bottomed out so I had no job prospects after college, I'd just gone through a terrible break-up, and I was suffering from regular panic attacks. I ended up moving back in with my parents to get back on my feet. During that time, which lasted for

Patton Oswalt told a story once right here on AV Club that Owen Wilson found ways to improvise on "Shanghai Noon" because of all the delays filming the action scenes. Difference though is that he was working off the frame of the original script. "Shanghai Knights" he calls up Patton to see if he can help him punch up

Same with Chicago and "The Blues Brothers"

I relate to Brock in strange ways, actually. He's an unstoppable badass, but he has poor impulse control and has never achieved the things he's really wanted, like a relationship with Molotov. His greatest strengths are his greatest weaknesses.

My question is literally everyone else in that episode is in swim trunks with no shirt. Even Ralph is for God's sake. Why not just have Fonzie shirtless in black trunks or something? Did they think we wouldn't recognize him without the leather jacket on?

Yea in Happy Days' case it didn't just "jump the shark" once, it did it MULTIPLE times. The LITERAL jumping of a shark was just the tip of the iceberg.

See to me the problem isn't using a lead-lined fridge to survive a nuclear explosion, it's the fact that there's a ton of other shit in that scenario that should have killed him (the heat, getting thrown a long distance in a confined space, the radiation, etc). Like even in a fantastical series like "Indiana Jones",

More likely the headline would read "Idiot Wearing Leather Jacket While Water-Skiing Terrifies Marine Life/Good Taste/Common Sense"

Yea Paul is the one who reports the trivia and behind-the-scenes findings that the interns give him, so he probably has the best info out of anyone.

You're probably right. That said, she oddly shines with action films. Her insights on "Fast Five", "Speed 2", and "Fair Game" were hilarious. And she does oddly well with musicals too. She was so game for picking apart "From Justin To Kelly", it featured very little of her over-thinking the plot and just embracing the

All I remember thinking watching the episode (even as a kid) is "Presuming Fonzie DID fall in the shark pen, that would most likely scare the shit out of a real shark. Eating you would be the LAST thing on his mind."

Look this up on YouTube: Patton Oswalt was one of the writers/producers at the MTV awards when Will Smith did his big "Wild Wild West" performance.