OMFG I wanna tongue kiss Howard Dean. I thought I was the only one with the cocaine theory.
OMFG I wanna tongue kiss Howard Dean. I thought I was the only one with the cocaine theory.
Pretty disrespectful to equate your juvenile game to the National Anthem of America by continuing to stand at attention in the same manner, IMO. Those fans payed hard earned money to watch you play baseball, not have a staring contest, you overgrown brats.
How to Deal With The Media
The irony, of course, is that if Trump or any of his like-minded followers were also randomly stopped and frisked, they’d lose their goddamned minds. They’d be screaming about the Founding Fathers and the “police state” in no time.
I would like to know where Josh Pauls stands on taking a knee during the national anthem.
Ummm, totally OT, but I just got an alert on my phone from CNN, Angelina Jolie just filed for divorce from Brad Pitt?
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. This is the exact kind of celebrity gossip that I need to balance out the horror that is this election year.
“in certain organizations and certain jobs you give up that right of your freedom of speech temporary [sic] while you serve that job”
Very disrespectful to the military.
Randy Edsall, for those wondering, currently has a made up job working for the Detroit Lions which he is absurdly underqualified for. Randy Edsall can die in a fire. Fuck Randy Edsall. Someone send this comment to him.
I don’t think it’s overstatement to say that Gausman’s start last night was the biggest by an Orioles pitcher in a number of years.
Lots of pretty numbers and pretty birds!
Whew, my BMI is .4 better than his. Now I can feel smug.
Well since Americans love to judge by BMI, he’s overweight bordering on obese. Better hit the treadmill buddy.
It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.