
CP77, patched to perfection, is still a boring and bland open world game.”
So true. The story was so fast paced that it made you feel guilty doing side missions when you had time ticking on the main quest. And the main quest was just badly written. Not one of those endings was worth the time put into the game.

So they took Dark Souls, the Witcher, and Bioshock, and put them in a blender. I’m sold.

I don’t understand why so many people think BOTW is a good Zelda game. It is a great game, but not a good Zelda game. SPOILER - 90% of the story took place 100 years prior to you waking up. The gameplay and challenge (especially in the first few hours of gameplay) is amazing, but there’s no push for the narrative.

I may be in the minority here, but I do not want this unless it is just console cross-play.

I’m just gonna leave this here for now.

Oh it is very limited. I had this monster, a Castle, a Trade Post bar and a Portal visitor center on the same planet. Changed my ship in space, came back down to find it was all water. Like water you could fly through.

I just found my home recently too. I’m thinking of building a city around a trading post. Might even make a soccer stadium that showcases the landscape and lake nearby. Honestly, I want to see if I can crash the damn thing by building too much.

I named a whole string of systems before the update. Then going back, it shows i discovered them, but their names are all wrong and can’t be changed. I’ve made peace with it and I’ve moved on. I’m not going to think about the week I spent naming all the systems, planets, moons after work each day. No I’m just going

I was just thinking this. I feel like making it a “members only” place would be the easiest fix. Heck, they could even make membership as easy as “Do you play any games? Yes, then welcome.”

I am so glad you told me this. That scene from Heavy Rain was one of the worst. It was such a jarring piece of fetish fan service that came out of nowhere and left. It is one of the reasons I didn’t want to replay the game. I was on the fence about buying this game, but knowing Detroit has that same kind of scene

Riley, you don’t have to play The Witcher, well...I mean, you HAVE to play The Witcher, but you don’t have to every weekend. Don’t feel obligated. You keep living your life, when it’s time, Gerald will find you.

Hell no! England sent us witch hunting pilgrims hundreds of years ago. This is just karma.

I’m sorry Super Flash Bros. wasn’t used for this? Wasted opportunities.

I’m telling you right now, I’m going to keep my head down and my nose clean in this game. Quit the police force, maybe get a job selling life insurance in town. Buy a house. Go bowling with my cousin Roman. Fish on the weekends. To hell with the cult crap.

I am all about this. The thing I love about World War 1 and this game is all the different cultures and people represented. I’d love to see more. Japanese soldiers, Serbia, Bulgaria, Africa. The more diversity the better. It’s better than just a bunch of white dudes fighting.

Fool me once, shame on know the rest.

I’m impressed, especially since they are designing the game without electricity.

Witcher 3 tip: trying playing without fast traveling (with the exception of FT when a mission requires it), and do all Witcher contracts available before pass through a village/neighborhood. It’s a lot of fun and it makes it feel more like a continuous journey.