
I'd go Battlefields Forever > Command Your Weather = Here Come the Water Works = Head For the Shallows > Mind the Drift. All of them are pretty awesome, minus Mind the Drift.

I'm generally a Patriots H8R, in that I wish nothing but horrible, horrible things for them. But this………… this is dumb.

Just recently, apparently. I guess the producers could not be talked into a long haired Joker, and makeup isn't yet at a point where a beard can be hidden Cesar Romero-style.

Jared Leto cut his hair for Suicide Squad , which is a completely different movie from a completely different studio based on a comic from a completely different publisher. Otherwise this is all true, maybe, possibly, unless it isn't.

So much fucking tumult.

Also, Mr. Teti, please do this feature again next year or I will be completely heartbroken.

I have no idea who Brian Murphy is, but fuck that guy.


There's really something to like in all of the first few titles they put out. They put what was, at that point, the majority of their output in a Humble Bundle a few months ago and I burned through most of it in an couple of days. X-O Manowar, Harbinger, and Quantum & Woody were all great. Bloodshot was really

Anybody else been reading the Flash Gordon and Doc Savage series from Dynamite? Doc Savage has been okay, but I've really enjoyed Flash Gordon. Red Sonja has also been terrific.

I could (and have) browse(d) this for hours.

I predict most will.

Just kidding.