
And he is a GREAT guy. It’s a very good match, though they are deeply dissimilar. I love Mikey.

I still have a few more episodes, but do far Tituss’s relationship is so, so, satisfying. They are my favorite couple of the moment. I love how Tituss is just as much of a “project” as Mikey. And Anna Camp is freaking fantastic.

YES. Perfect example. And not only is he getting in the thick of things and creating art that he loves from his perspective, he’s working as an ally to other PoC by including him in his vision of the world. I love him lol. May or may not be crushing.

since we routinely ask POC to speak for their race as a whole, as a white person, i apologize for my whole race’s bullshit. because that’s how it works, right other white folk?

This is the smartest thing I’ve heard all day. I would gladly fork over $60 to see it in a local theater.

I never meant to become Hamiltrash. I don’t know what happened.

Can we get a Hamiltrash count?

I just moved to Seattle a few years ago, so I was a bit baffled by all of the #12 flags, banners, signs, and jerseys around the city. I figured it out recently, though: the "12" refers to 2012, the year the fanbase was established.

That must be the most infuriated she’s been in all her 4 years as a Seahawks fan.

First thing, Pinkham - Wonkette’s gain is Gawker’s loss - seriously. Whatever shallow, short-term benefit you money-grubbing assholes at Gawker think you’re gaining by dropping Kitchenette and BCO, you’re wrong, and you’re going to see that you’re wrong soon enough. See you over at Wonkette, Pinkham.

Psycho Santa is no

Wow, I never thought I’d read those words in that sequence.

I would also submit that Pinkham was the hero we deserve.

I was sad that there were no new stories until I realized you don’t owe fucking Denton any new content.

This comment is 100% serious, btw; BCO wouldn’t be the same without one last Pinkham’s Law.

Awww, one last Pinkham’s Law. Thanks for coming.

This will be the last Behind Closed Ovens to appear on Kitchenette. It will not, however, be the last Behind Closed Ovens. Starting next Monday, November 30, the series will continue on Wonkette. If you’d like to read more crazy restaurant stories in the future, feel free to tune in over there at your



I will kill myself by eating too much “red” and “crispy” and going into anaphylactic shock.