
My take on this is that people just love to sue when they become inconvenienced/don’t want to take responsibility for their own actions. I had the same thought as AliceInWunderland, above, that in my experience, the placebo pills are usually a different color. When coupled with what you mentioned re: margin of error

Especially when put in context of the things we read in “horrible customers” week but practically shrug off as “hey, terrible customers do this all the time” (the number of post, either on BCO or one of Pinkham’s other posts, involving assault, for instance...). Like, we see literal illegal activity as an

Thank you!

This makes me unbelievably happy. I want nothing more than for NPH to be genuinely nice.

A (mostly) heartwarming special weekend edition BCO? Pinkham, you’ve given me the best birthday present I could ask for!

When I first started reading the story, I was picturing an actual rodent-themed park. Like, where there’s rats everywhere, on all the rides, on the sidewalks. It took me longer than I care to admit to remember Disney.

The “funny” (TBH not all that funny because safety is a legit problem) thing about that is that I’ve found myself planning routes to specifically avoid a new-ish, highly touted, protected bike lane here because the closest I have ever come to having a very serious accident was in that bike lane. Basically, cars have

It is actually legal to ride bikes on sidewalks in Seattle, but it does have to be at the speed of pedestrians. That said, I definitely only use it like you said, as a last resort (or, like someone else a little ways down said, in lieu of biking on a major street where there are no bike lanes and I feel unsafe in the

Actually, in some places, there are circumstances where it is 100% legal for bikes to run red lights. Specifically, a lot of intersections, particularly ones with heavy traffic in one direction and/or infrequent traffic in the other, are run on inductors. Since bikes don’t have the right conductive metals, the

Once upon a time, back when American Idol had yet to produce so many “winners” that none of them could have actual careers, back when all three original judges were on the show, a friend and I used to watch every episode. One week, Simon Cowell told a charming young bloke that his voice and the song he had just


Haha it’s ok....I love Pagliacci, there’s one right by my apartment that is my go-to order in! Unfortunately, wild mushroom sounds like my idea of hell on earth, but I will totally continue to consume The Rocket until the mouth part of my face falls off.

If I’m already in Seattle can you set me up with pizza? I had the worst craving for it the other day.

I dunno. I’m planning my wedding and I’m pretty sure the world is revolving around me. Not me and Spatulohands, mind you. Just me.

Now playing

I feel like this is only tangentially related but growing up, my family called seltzer water “frobscottle.” Brownie points to the first person who knows the reference.

Also, I’m dying to know, HOW does one make a large cappuccino? Like, do you just use, like, 12 shots of espresso? Or is it basically a latte with some extra foam?

A+ gif usage

Probably somewhat symptomatic of being a bakery that offers espresso rather than a coffee shop. I actually think I get more people asking about soy than nonfat.