
My Canadian cousin came down to the states once and decided to stay with my parents for a few days. I’d met him once like 15 years before, and my mom wanted us to get together so they decided to drive the 100 miles to come out and visit me in the middle of the week. I decide that I’m going to give him the best

A restaurant near me J&R’s Steakouse, has an eating challenge where you get an hour to eat a 72oz steak plus sides and it’s free, otherwise it’s $49.99. A bunch of friends went there for my brother’s bday and all 4 of the guys decided it was time to go for it. One ordered it rare, he was done in 24oz, ching ching $50

When asked about the fire, Paul Manziel replied, “You know, this sort of thing would have bothered me in the past. Like when you’re stuck in a situation for a long the length of a full season. But now, I can just build a new house whenever I want to — a new one each week! And if you act now, Build Kings

the fire is reportedly “suspicious in nature.”

All Bryant’s agent, Scott Boras, could do was fume. “You are damaging the ethics and brand of Major League Baseball,” he said in front of pictures of clients Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, and Manny Ramirez.

Al Davis’ ghost is masturbating at the proposition of drafting him in the first round, that catch was so good.

I was one of the last straight on kickers in Western Mass back in the early 90s. I used to use a square toed shoe to kick. One game our equipment guy forgot the shoe in the locker room so I had to kick (in the rain) with regular cleats.

Please don’t address us as baseball things. We’re baseball people, okay? Thank you for the reminder though.